I got it

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*Justin's P.O.V*

"There's nothing you should show me" I said

"Oh , there is a lot of things I wanna show you and there are a lot of things you should show me" he said

"Like what?"

"For example, your naked body" he said smirking. He lifted me up , putting his hands on my butt.

"Stop" I said

"Why should I?"

"Because I want to"

"Sorry not sorry, I ain't stopping"

"Why can't you just let me down"

"Ugh fine"

He puts me down.

"Why did you came here" I asked

"Relax, I'm not gonna fuck you at the moment, I'm saving that for later. I just came here to ask you if you're coming to a party with me tomorrow" he said

"I don't know. I think not" I said

"Let me rephrase that, you're coming" he said

Soon, he kissed me, I don't know why, but I kissed back. Ughhhhh whyyy did I have to do it. He forcefully slips his tounge in my mouth. I let him explore. We pulled out shortly after. I just stand there shocked.

"See you tomorrow babe" he said and walked out, closing the door behind him.

I still stood there shocked. Raegan kissed me. I let him. He slipped his tounge in. I let him explore my mouth. All of this happened just like a second a ago.

I just had to procces everything that happened. Now that I think, he doesn't look bad. He's hot and-- NO JUSTIN STOP. Did I just mention his kisses are the best? ------ AAHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING. He just wanted to rape me like 3 days ago. I'm oficially going places. I just shruged of this whole thing and go up to my room. Before I walked up the stairs I closed all of the lights in my house and locked the door. In my room, I colapsed on the bed and soon, I fell asleep.

*Raegan's P.O.V*

After I walked out his house, my friends were outside with their cars.

"He's coming?" Adam asked


"Dude, we saw that you kissed him. He fucking let you" Rickey said

"I know right, let's go"

We all got in our cars and drove to the park. It's night, but we always go to the park to blow off some steam and just talk about random shit, mostly about girls or boys. You see, I only live with my dad too, like Justin. My mother left him because he was getting drunk and cheating on her all the time. My dad is one of those "Rich ass dads" so he can have any bitch he wants. He's okay with me smoking weed, fucking girls or boys , drinking, and everything that I get involved in school. He doesn't even care about my grades. Well, in a way I'm thankful for that, and in a way I'm not. You don't know how it is to come home everynight and hear moaning in the other room, or to come home everynight with your dad making out with a total different girl in the living room. This happens everyday. But I just don't care what he's doing.

I just can't wait the party tomorrow. I really fucking wanna fuck Justin. Like you have no idea. I don't know, there's just something about the little boy that I want so bad. I want him

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