Fucking asshole

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*Justin's P.O.V*

Raegan interlocked our fingers and we walked to where Brad was sitting. All of Rae's friends were there, standing on a bench or some of them on the ground. I saw someone else in the park, MAX AND HARRY OH THANK GOD.

"Hey, can I go to them?" I whispered to Rae pointing at Max and Harry.

"Of course, I'ma talk to Brad" he said and I nodded. I walked to Max and Harry who were actually a bench apart from Brad and his friends.

"Hey guys" we fist bumped.

"Hi dude" Max said

"What's up, didn't see you from last night when Raegan beat up Brad" Harry said.

"Yea, it was a long night, I couldn't sleep at all" I said

"But like, are you ok" Max asked.

"Yea, I'm fine"

I heard a bit from Rae's and Brad's conversation.

"So how's all this dare going on Raegan?" Brad asked. Wait, what?

"It's going, he really thinks I like him dude. I still can't believe you almost really raped him last night, you are such a good actor" Rae laughed. No this is not happening.....all of this was...a dare?

"He is a really fucking idiot" Brad laughed.

"He's a fucking stupid nerd too" Rae said and all of his friends laughed. Max and Harry heard it too.

"Dude he is a fucking bitch" Max said, clearly angry. I couldn't stop it anymore, I let the tears fall.

"Oh no don't cry please" Harry said, standing up and hugging me. I hugged him back and cried in his chest. All of a sudden I got really fucking angry. I got out of Harry's grip and stormed to Raegan. He saw me coming, Harry and Max followed me.

I went and slapped Raegan.

"You are a fucking asshole, I never wanna see you again!" I cried and then ran away crying, I heard Raegan yell my name. Max and Harry tried to catch up with me but they couldn't and gave up after a while. I ended up in the woods. I sat on a rock and cried my eyes out. I saw it was getting dark so I got up and went home. Raegan kept texting me but I ignored it all. I saw my car in the driveway, his was not there anymore and I'm glad. I got a call from Harry so I picked up.

Justin: Hey dude

Harry: Yo, come to school and like fo in the auditorium.

Justin: Wait, why? It's night

Harry: Mr. Roswelt is doing a lesson about engines at cars so I thought you might wanna come

Justin: I want to, but why in the auditorium and why right now

Harry: Idk man, ttyl

Justin: Ok, I'll be there.

If it's about engines, I'm sure Raegan would be there but I could care less.

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