Second chances

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*Justin's P.O.V*

I went in my house and say hi to dad, covering my face because it was puffy from all that crying. I was such a fool for falling for his tricks. I told dad everything about Mr. Roswelt's lesson and he told me I should get going so I grabbed my phone, bag and car keys and went out. I reached the school and went inside. I found the auditorium and went in. There were Max, Harry and Raegan's friends, including him. Oh...just great. I went awkwardly with my head bent down to where Max and Harry were sitting and sat with them.

"Hey guys"

"Hey bro, glad you showed up" Harry said

"Of course" I said faking a smile, they did smile too. I could feel Raegan and his friends staring at me and I felt uncomfortable. I wonder where Mr. Roswelt is?

"Hey, where's Mr. Roswelt?"

"He should be here any minute" Max said

I saw Raegan come up to us. I ignored him

"Justin, can we talk?" Raegan asked

"We'll leave you two settle things bro" Oh no no don't leave.

"Raegan, there is absolutely nothing to talk about, why are you even wasting your time on me? Wasn't I only a dare? I'm just the shy , new kid who you can mess with, now leave me alone"

"Justin, I can explain. At first it was only a dare, that's why everyone was pretty chill with it, they knew it was a dare. But I started to catch feelings for you, and I'm not ready to tell my friends yet."

"Raegan, we can't be a secret. I know you're only here now because they told you to, don't try to play me"

"But I'm not, listen Justin, I really love you, please, I promise I'll talk to them, just not yet. Please don't let me lose you"

I don't know if he is telling the truth...I don't know if I should give him a second try. Well.....only one way to find out.

"Ok...listen. I'll give you a second chance...but don't hurt me like that again. You have no idea how I felt when you called me those names there, it felt like you were stabbing my heart over and over again"

"Thanks babe. You know I love you" he said hugging me.

"I can't know anything until I see proof" I said , but hugging him back.

"I'll prove you I love you. I'll do it, trust me" he said and then, Mr.Roswelt came in the auditorium, Raegan left and Max and Harry came back. I don't know if it was the right thing to give Raegan a second chance. With a relationship like this, I'm sure he's gonna ruin it anyway. But it was worth a try at least.

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