I'm sorry I did that

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*Justin's P.O.V*

I don't know if forgiving Raegan was my best idea, but in the moment he was yelling at them....when he looked at me, I saw the regret in his eyes. I saw he really felt sorry by the way he was crying too. No one cries like that if they don't care, right? I know now it  won't be the same for us....I really don't know...I still love him, a hell lot. Like I said, my love for him never faded.

Now, I'm currently in my bed...Raegan laying his head on my stomach. I could see his mood was down...but I can't help it, mine is too. He sighs, and looks up at me. He looked like he wanted to say something....but he couldn't.

He moves so now he is laying near me. I felt cold...so I snuggled near him. He puts his arm around me as I throw my  leg over one of his. He kisses my forehead and...I dont know but I felt safe.

"I'm still really sorry, I don't even know how I can look into your eyes baby" he said.

I sighed and looked up at him. He leaned in and kissed me so I kissed back. I got on his lap and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Raegan, as you can tell....it's not nice to invade someones privacy, it's actually cruel, and do it in front of your friends. I felt.....I felt terrible, I still do, knowing the whole school actually saw pictures of me naked. I feel filthy and gross. Not even my body is mine anymore and I can't fucking control it because I'm weak. I'm getting weaker everyday! I'm just, I don't know, I think glad is the word, that you actually told that to your friends and all that. If you're not lying and it was actually how you said....then it's not your fault Raegan, it isn't. You didn't knew what you were doing, and I can't blame you for that. I'm giving you this last chance, and if you break it, then we're over. I'm only doing this because I fricking love you and I never stopped doing it, like never. I knew I liked you the first time I laid my eyes on you and I knew your reputation, still I couldn't control myself but just to fall for you...I don't know if I'll regret it or not, but I just don't know....hope you can understand what I feel..."

"Justin, of course I do. I was a complete dickhead and I dont care that I didnt know what I was doing, I still did it to you. You can't know how possibly sorry I am and I just.... I don't know. I'm so thankful you are giving me this chance and I won't let you down again, I swear"

I smiled a bit and kissed him. Hopefully I won't have double thoughts of doing this...

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