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Ocean dragons - Queen Kracken
She has her very own pet kracken

Frost dragons- Queen Hypothermia
If you touch her, you will be frozen.

Flame dragons- Queen Torch

Desert dragons- Queen Cactus

Night Dragons- Queen Galaxy

Forest Dragons- Queen Ivy

Rainforest dragons- Queen Bloom

Swamp dragons- Queen Waterlily

Sky Dragons- King Thunderstorm

The Flyers- a mystery to anyone but the Flyers


The desert will come in the midst of night, to bring back the war.

She will get stronger and wiser, for she wants the power of flame and fire,

Someone will come running in,

All she wants is the throne,

She has the Claws of Death.

Nothing shall stop her,

Besides the strange black dragon of foreign land,

For they, are the peacekeeper.

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