Caelum Chapter 7

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The Dragon's Wing  slept on an island with thick forestry. They saw no dragons in the area, and surprisingly, nothing to eat and no water.

We have to catch something before we all starve. This is bad. Maybe if we keep searching we will find something to eat, Caelum thought.

Caelum walked through the forest until she spotted some wild berries. She sniffed them and tried some. They was delicious, so Caelum brought a lot of them back to the group.

"I brought some food, dig in," Caelum announced.

The group stuffed the berries in their mouths. All of them made expressions of delight and enjoyed the delicious berries.

"Hey! Stop eating our berries!" someone shouted.

"Hey, leaves-for-brains, stop giving away our location! Queen Ivy will not be happy!" Another voice said angrily.

"Well, at least I don't sit here and do nothing!" The first voice shouted.

"Why you..." The second one yelled, as they tacked the first dragon.

Caelum took their arguing as an opportunity to hide the group. She gestured to appropriate hiding places for each dragon, then went and camouflaged in the sky. She heard more yelling about how it was the other's fault that they got away.

The dragons entered the clearing. She flapped her wings really hard to send a gust of wind onto the dragons. Then she dove down faster than the speed of light, and captured the two dragons. Her friends tied them up with a rope and questioned them.

They answered all of her questions quickly and quietly.

"Take us to your queen," Caelum ordered.

"Ok," they said quietly, obviously scared out of their minds.

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