Polar Chapter 2

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The first strange dragon appeared in front of him. Whats happening? Polar thought, as the dragon approached him and knocked him out.

------------ three hours later ------------

Polar suddenly woke up and shot out of the bed he was on. A sky blue dragon was arguing with the dragon who knocked him out.

"Shadow!" The dragon said angrily, "Why would you do that! We protect dragons, not harm them!"

"I know, but what if he was on her side? Then we would be in danger Caelum," Shadow protested. Polar coughed loudly, causing the two dragons to look at him. The sky blue dragon glared at the dark gray dragon, and then walked in.

"Sorry about him," the sky blue dragon said, "He's just overprotective sometimes. Oh, my name is Caelum by the way. What's your name?"

"Polar, and what were you talking about earlier?" Polar asked, "And what was the 'we have to protect dragons' thing about?"

"That's ... that's complicated," Caelum responded.

As soon as Caelum turned away, Polar made a run for it. Not because he didn't like Caelum, but because he was basicly kidnapped. He flew to Peace Acadomy, where the founder, Tidepool met him with a worried expression. Polar described the encounter with the strange dragons, and even put in every detail for their look. Tidepool looked very angry.
        "Not here..." She growled, "Not now!"
        Polar looked confused, and asked "What's wrong Tidepool? Is there a problem?"
        "The Flyers," She said suspenfully, "Have come to take our island, or they have not, and one of them is from... from... it! Go to the old Night Palace. Look through the entire library, until you find the book of Prophecy. Immidetly!"
        Without looking back, Polar flew to the old Night Palace, to find the book of Prophecy.

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