Caelum Chapter 15

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Caelum used one of her abilities to make the scythe hover next to her. The small group of five dragons were wearing the special flowers that the fog was scared of. They reached he heart of the fog.

Caelum gasped. In the center was a dragon, about Caelum's age, who appeared to be crying out the deadly fog. It was a male, who was a darker sky color, with light gray horns and a light gray chest. Caelum realised he was a Sky Flyer. Her eyes lit up.

"I'm not the last one after all," she whispered.

The Sky Flyer looked up at her. He had a pitch black jewel on his forhead. His eyes were the same color. But when he saw her, the blackness faded from his eyes. They turned into a violet color. He seemed to stop crying. His eyes lit up with joy and excitement. The fog around him slowly started to fade.

"Caelum?" He asked excitedly, "Is that you?"

"How do you know my name?" Caelum questioned.

He frowned and started crying fog again.

"Hurry up and kill him already!" Azure growled, "Kill the prisoner!"

Caelum suddenly had a flashback. The person that turned her back into a dragon hadn't given her back all her memories. Memories of her kind, the Sky Flyers.


Dark clouds covered the sky. There were 10 sky dragons. They captured all of the Sky Flyers. Only a few managed to escape. Her and three others. Lapis, Lightning and Storm. The dragon in front of her was Storm. Lightning was his little sister, and Lapis was Caelum's little sister. They were all eventually captured by the sky dragons. Storm was chained to a rock. Lapis and Lightning were currently blending in as sky dragons. Caelum was forced into a human body and worked for the Queen.

End of flashback.

Caelum took the scythe. She swung it Storm. It looked like she was about to kill him, but this wasn't the case. She broke the chains with the scythe, setting him free.

Storm took a deep breath, taking in all of the fog. It completely dissapeared. He looked at Azure with hatred on his face. Fog surrounded her, and she suddenly dropped dead, falling to the unseen ground.

Dawn and Cobalt shook their heads, like they were just taken out of a trance.

"Storm? What happened? I can't remember anything that happened in the last 5 years of my life!" Dawn asked. She slowly changed. She turned into a Sky Flyer. Cobalt did too.

In Caelum's head, something clicked.

"The sky dragons captured us, and turned us into them. Only 10 of them are original sky dragons," Caelum realised.

"Azure was one of those 10," Storm explained, "And they should get their memories back in an hour or so,"

"We'll find the sky dragons, and make sure they pay for what they did," Caelum said, anger written all over her face.

"One down," Storm growled, "nine to go."

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