Polar Chapter 21

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Polar shifted into Caelum again. He ran up to Stora's room. He could tell it was Stora's because it said STAYING ROYALTY:  Stora of the Bat Dragons right above the door.

He slightly opened the door, and immidetly regretted it. He saw Stora and Shadow, sitting side by side, Shadow's wing wrapped around Stora, while she wrote in a beautiful journal. Shadow was watching her write, and smiled at her. She looked up at him, and smiled while blushing.

Polar walked through the door, and nudged Shadow's wing. He looked at Polar and said,

"Hey Caelum, I didn't see you come in."

"Something urgent came up and I need your help," Polar said.

"Can't you ask Violet or Saffire?"

Stora narrowed her eyes at Polar.

"Caelum, can I ask you something?" Stora asked.

"Of course," Polar responded.

"What does the scale in my forehead do when someone who wants to harm me touches it?" Stora questioned.

"It... ummm... kills them..." Polar said hesitantly.

"Thanks," Stora responded.

Stora tapped her ears together, and looked at Polar with a surprised expression.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Stora asked.

Polar shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

Stora led Polar out of the room, and took him into a different room. She locked the door behind them, and stood in front of it.

She then punched Polar's shoulder really hard. Polar screamed in pain. Then Stora whipped Polar's face with her tail.

The enchanted mask broke and revealed Polar, looking brused, and his shoulder was out of its socket.

Stora, still looking angry, knocked him out.

A few hours later

Polar woke up in a prison cell, with extreme pain in his shoulder. He was bound tighter than last time, and his sharp tail was chained to the floor. An angry looking Stora was standing in front of him.

"Caelum was willing to forgive you. Shadow wanted to say sorry for attacking you that day. But I don't forgive you. Not. Even. Close. I trusted you. You betrayed me, and I am never willing to forgive you," Stora yelled.

Polar felt a slight pang in his heart.

Stora was never willing to forgive him. He would forever be her enemy, when all he wanted to do was convince her to fall in love with him.

"You are do to be released and escorted back to the Frost Territory in a week. This is the only food you will get," Stora said, "Eat wisely..."

She shoved a peice of meat the size of his talons in front of him.

Polar looked at her with pain in his eyes. Tears started sliding down his face, reflecting the pain he felt.

Stora just gave him a cold glare and walked out.

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