Caelum Chapter 13

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The Queen looked at Caelum with a face that said all to clearly, I don't want you to be here. Caelum looked at her closely. She looks really familiar, like I know her from somewhere.

"Hello Hea- Caelum," she quickly corrected.

If dragons can raise eyebrows, that's what Caelum was doing.

"And how exactly did you know my human name?" Caelum asked suspiciously. Instead of a response, she laughed nervously.

The King sensed her discomfort, and asked, "Why did you wish to speak to me?"


One boring discussion later...

"We will grant you our most experienced soldiers and this weapon," King Thunderstorm said, handing Caelum a small rock.

Caelum looked at it oddly.

The king, realizing he had handed her the wrong thing, took back the rock, and handed her a scythe. It was as black as night. It shone like clear black glass. It also had the qualities of a prism. If a beam of light passed through it, the other side would be rainbow.

"It's made of bismuth, titanium and black pearl. It's unbreakable. Please take good care of it and make sure to bring it back.

Caelum nodded.

"I'll have a team of Sky Dragons with me right?" Caelum asked. The king nodded.

"Well, go ahead and start," Celestial said, trying to get Caelum to leave.

Caelum shrugged it off and went to meet her new crew.

They all introduced themselves. There were four.

Dawn was a mix between the Sky dragons and the Night Dragons. As her name suggests, she looks dark blue at the bottom, fading into a sky blue.

Another was named Zaffre. He was tall and strong, with polished scales and long claws. He was a little darker than Caelum.

The next girl was named Azure. She was a more turquoise and lighter blue than Caelum. She was very muscled. She looked strong and was not happy to be accompanying Caelum.

The last crew member was a small, but dangerous male named Cobalt. He was very exited to be going on this mission, but not for the right reason. He had only volunteered because Dawn had. Caelum sensed he had a little crush on her.

"Okay," Azure growled, "Time to meet our impending doom."

The Ancient Prophecy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora