Shadow Chapter 19

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It had been days Shadow and Caelum declared they weren't mates.

Shadow was wandering the hallways, looking for Stora's room. When he finally found it, he knocked on the door.

"Come in," Stora said.

Shadow opened the door and walked inside of the beautiful room. Stora was laying in her bed, writing in some sort of journal.

She saw him, and got off of her bed.

"Hello. I don't believe we've formally met. My name real name is Midnight, but you can call me Stora," she said.

"My name is Shadow, and I was wondering if you would like a tour of the island," Shadow responded.

Stora nodded.

Shadow took her around the entire island.

"And make sure not to step on any ground that isn't stone or rock. If you step on the dirt, vines will come out of the ground and try to strangle you," Shadow said.

"Thanks for the heads up," Stora said.

Shadow dismissively nodded.

Stora gave him a small smile.

"Aren't you mates with Caelum?" Stora asked sounding a bit jealous.

"Not anymore. We decided we wouldn't be happy together," he said, giving Stora a pained smile.

The hint of jealousy faded.

"I've been meaning to tell you something for the past month," Shadow said, using a slightly nervous tone.

Stora looked at him, and because of her eyesight improvement, could tell Storm was blushing. Hadow watched as Store's cheeks tinted light pink.

"I-I have a crush on you," Shadow said in a low voice that was almost a whisper. Stora's cheeks got even redder.

"I do too," she whispered.


Author's note

I know this was extremely trashy and short, but I currently have writer's block. There will be another update soon

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