Caelum Chapter 9

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The small Forest dragons led them to the Nature Palace. It was like a small bee hive. The Forest dragons were generally small, with their Queen being rather large compared to her subjects.

She stared at Caelum and her friends with cold, hard looks. Caelum shoved the two Forest dragons in front of the Queen.

"Don't try to ambush us again," Caelum said, "Because if you do, the assasinaters won't come back alive."

The Queen put her talons up to her head in a dramatic fashion. "Oh no, the Sky dragon is going to kill my highly trained Forest dragons," she said, "All of the islands know that the Sky dragons are pacifists."

Caelum just smiled at her. "I'm a Sky Flyer, three of my friends are Night Flyers, one is a Sand Stryker and we also have a Star Flyer. There are also many other powerful dragons here. We have the Frost heir with us too. So don't mess with us."

The Queen narrowed her eyes at the two dragons The Dragon's Wing had captured.

"Reyna, how could you let this happen. You are an elite solider. This is a disgrace," the queen said.

Reyna pointed her claw at the dragon next to her. "He gave away our ambush. It is his fault."

The Queen narrowed her gaze at the other dragon. "Prince Sap. You ruined the entire mission. AGAIN. Now go to your room and stay there. No dinner for you tonight."

"But mo-"

"No buts! Go NOW"

Sap hung his head low and walked down the hallway.

The Queen looked at the Dragon's Wing with an evil grin on her face.

"Do you know why my name is Queen Ivy?" She asked.

As a response, Caelum glared at the queen.

"My curse is poison ivy. Maybe you've heard of it?"

"Well don't you have the knowledge of us being immune to curses?" Shadow said stepping to Caelum's side.

Queen Ivy rolled her eyes. "Get out of my sight before I change my mind," she hissed.

"Gladly," Caelum responded.

The Dragon's Wing left the palace. After half an hour of flight, Caelum spoke up. "We should land over there," Caelum said, pointing at an island covered in fog.

They landed down on the island and Caelum instantly felt like they were being watched. She turned around to see a set of eyes backing into the fog.

"We should leave this place," Saffire said from the back of the group.

"Yea, this place is creepy," Sandstorm added.

Caelum just nodded her head. But when she unfolded her wings to fly, a vine wrapped around them. She tried to cut the vine, but it just got tighter.

Caelum turned her head to see that her friends were in similar situations. Vines hugging their legs, some holding onto their necks. They all had panicked faces.

"All of you, DUCK!" An unfamiliar voice said, as they burned away the vines.

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