Polar Chapter 14

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Tidepool aproached Polar.

"Our forces are ready. We have the Night dragons, Forest dragons, and  Rainforest dragons. The other territories are not welcoming. The Flame dragons are in a crisis, and the Desert dragons are inaproachable. The Swamp dragons, Ocean dragons and Frost dragons refuse to help us. The Sky Dragons, well,you already know nobody can survive the fog. That is the complete report," Tidepool said.

"Thank you for the report, Admaral Tidepool,"

"How come I'm not general?"

"Stora's general."

Tidepool sighed.

Stora walked into the room. She glanced around nervously.

"I as general, must make plans. I will present them as soon as they are finished," she said.

Tidepool and the other dragons in the room left, leaving Stora and Polar alone.

"I need to tell you something that is very important," Stora said, "and it's about the Rainforest dragons."

"Go ahead," Polar said, nodding.

"I grew up in the rainforest. Queen Bloom found my egg sitting about three yards away from her palace. She  took me in and raised me as one of her own. I would even be next in line for queen if she didn't lay Lilac's egg. I was about three when she hatched. She was so sweet in the beginning. As the years went by, she just got worse and worse. One day she told me that because I was a different kind of dragon, living with the rainforest dragons,  they had prepared a special ceremony for me. I was so blinded by my love for her, that I followed her in. She told me to close my eyes, and I did. I'm pretty sure they used mirrors to reflect sunlight into my eyes and blind me. They then sung their song to bind me in place. I felt the vines creeping up my legs. I knew they were going to trap me inside the vines, like they do to prisoners. After trapped, I would be put on display, probably in front of the palace. I burned the vines off of me and flew away. When I finally stopped, I ended in the bats' caves. They took me in, and taught me how to use eco-location. It was years before I met another dragon, and that was you."

Stora started blushing.

"You won't have to experience anything like that ever again when you're with me," Polar said accordingly, putting his wing around her.

"Now to get back on topic. The frost dragons are sided with the opposing side. The other tribes are either in a crisis, or are peaceful. We have to use our troops wisely. Only that group that started this whole mess is their own army. The first attack should be carefully considered and not taken as a light matter," Stora said.

Polar nodded, "We need a good plan."

Stora was about to say something, but something interrupted her. The book of Prophecy flipped open to a page with a prophecy on it. It read:

Five years will go by,
The sky dragons will die,
Five years from now this day,
The spell that has been around to stay
Will be broken at Thunderstorm's dismay.

Ten dragons will die,
Sky Dragons will be nigh,
Sky Flyers revenge will be at it's high.

The war will start only to end,
With bitter rivalries and treachery at both ends.

The first part of the prophecy disappeared, leaving the final two parts.

"We need to stop all plans and figure out what that prophecy means, or it could mean a longer war then we thought it would be," Polar said.

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