Polar Chapter 4

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The old Night Territory was on a small faraway island. Polar flew to the current Night Territory for rest and hunting. After he had eaten he slept in a small uninhabited cave, he started to fall asleep. Soon he found that it wasn't as uninhabited as he thought, because an angry dragon literally threw him out.

Polar decided that it was time to stop resting, so he flew to the old Night kingdom. Before he could leave, he heard Night dragons talking. He couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, so he just readied himself for the flight.

"Found him!" One yelled as they flew after him. The Night dragons were fully grown and could fly much faster than him. Polar looked around for a hiding place, and spotted a cave. He flew into the cave, and didn't realize there was a dragon there. The dragon quickly knocked him out.

••••••••A few hours later ••••••••
Polar woke up in a prison cell made of ice. Oh great. Now I have to deal with Hypothermia and her icy cold touch. He thought. A guard handed the Night Dragons that attacked him a bag of gold. Then the guard came to his cell and unlocked the door

The guard shoved him into the next room, then chained his wings and talons. Hypothermia walked in.

"You violated your Queen's ruling by leaving your home without your parents' consent. I am a fair ruler, so I'm not going to be easy with you. The dragons that attacked you consisted of my sister and her friends. They are unpinished,"Queen Hypothermia said, "you are not."

Polar gulped. I can't believe that my own half tribe turned me in and now I'm being punished for basicly no reason, Polar thought.

Hypothermia looked at him with a face that said all to clearly: I'm-going-to-have-some-fun-with-you. In that moment, Hypothermia looked really evil. But then she shook her head.

"I forgive you. I'm turning to the way things used to be," she said. Then she unlocked his chains.

"Your Magesty, may I please return to what I was doing? I am on a very important mission," Polar asked. The Queen just nodded her head and shooed him away.

Polar flew straight to the old Night territory from the Frost territory. After a few hours of flying, he finally reached his destination.

Ugh my wings are soooo sore. When will the endless torture end? Polar thought, as he fell asleep in front of the old Night castle.

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