Stora Chapter 16

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__________Stora's journal_____________

I ordered Polar to write down my plan.

"We have do save the sky dragons. It says that there was some sort of spell that was broken. We need to, in words, fix that spell," he said.

I nodded in agreement. After a little bit of thinking, I proposed an amazing plan. We found out that they were at the sky dragon's island, by how the prophecy was effected. We could see that the Deadly fog had cleared away, and the island was safe. We would ambush the island. But a week before that, I would spy on the enemy, pretending to be their friends.

A few hours later, I arrived. I played my role of blind. I made it look like I stumbled as I landed. I tapped my ears together, activating my eco-location. There was a Sky dragon nearby. I stumbled up to them and asked, "Do you know where a dragon named Caelum is?" I asked her.

"That would be her," the dragon responded, pointing at a dragon nearby.

"If you're pointing at her, I can't see that. I'm blind," I explained, a little annoyed.

"aaaCaelum, there is someone here to see you," the dragon said.

"I'm coming Dawn!" She responded gleefully.

She came up to me, obviously noticing I was blind. She seemed to be the same age as me. "Hello! How may I help you?" She said cheerfully.

"I would like to ask you about a dragon named Polar," I said.

She guided me to a seat.

"I met him a while back. My overprotective mate attacked him, because he thought Polar was getting too close to the cave we were in. He was out cold for a few hours. I introduced myself when he woke up, and I turned around to get him medicine before he ran past me and flew off. Do you know if he's ok?" She asked.

"He is doing very good," I told her.

I felt betrayed. Polar had told me that the dragon that attacked him was ruthless, and that he was lucky to be alive. Remembering that I had the Book of Prophecy in my bag, I took it out.

"This is an ancient book. It contains prophecies. It foretold something bad happening to the sky dragons. But seeing as you are fine, I should get going," I told her.

"You were right," she said.

"What? I questioned.

"I'm a Sky Flyer. I used to be a human, until this... this... being turned me back into a dragon again. She gave me back all of my memories besides the ones of my kind. She told me I was the last of my kind on this planet. That was a lie. That being was Queen Celestial. The original 10 sky dragons captured my kind. They forced us into the forms of sky dragons, with made up backgrounds. My abilities were too strong, and they forced me into a human. My friend, Storm, was chained to a rock. He was the one who was constantly crying out the deadly fog that once shrouded the island. The original sky dragons are being hunted down. Three of them are already dead," She said, tears in her eyes, "You must understand, my kind are keen on revenge. We had no real memories of our lives. I personally didn't want anyone to die."

My backstory was bad, but her past was horrible. I'm surprised that she wasn't insane at this point.

"I love saving dragons. We were driven off of our homeland. We came in search of allies here, to help us take back our land from the human Queen and her soldiers. Me and many of my friends were at one point, held prisoner for no reason in her dungeons," Caelum said, finishing her story.

I felt bad for her. I felt mad that Polar lied to me, and sad that I was betrayed.

I tapped my ears together, and noticed she was staring at the jewel-like scale on my forehead.

"You have the royal mark," she said, "It means that you are a direct descendant of the royal bloodline of your kind."

She touched the scale and winced in pain.

"You're also the last of your kind. Usually touching the scale would call one of your subjects to you," she hesitated, then began speaking again," Your adopted name is Stora, but your real parents' given name was Midnight."

I tapped my ears together. Her face spoke of sorrow.

"How can you tell what my name is, by just touching a scale on my forehead?" I asked.

"Its like a help button. If others press on it, it will give them information about you, but only if they intend no harm," Caelum explained.

I nodded.

"It can really hurt someone to touch that scale when they intend to hurt you," Caelum explained.

"If you don't mind, I have a very important message to convey to you," I said hoping to catch her attention. She faced me and stood quiet, waiting for my important message.

I explained the ambush, and Polar's attack plans. I also explained how the forest dragons are on my side, so they will do what I tell them to do.

The look in her eyes told me that she felt betrayed.

She looked me in the eyes, and I could tell because of my eco-location.

"We can give you your sight back," she said.

I was surpised and delighted, but I refused. My eco-location wouldn't work if I accepted.

"Why not?" She asked

"Personal," I responded quickly.

"Okay, but if you ever change your mind, Storm can heal your eyes or teach you eco-location," she said.

"Are there any guest chambers I can sleep in?" I asked. She nodded and walked off. I followed her. She opened the door and presented the beautiful room. It was a work of art, with a large bed, silky curtains, a pool and many more luxuries.

"I'll leave you here. This was the visiting royalty guest room. That also applies to you so... enjoy!" She said gleefully, throwing me the key. I caught in in the air.

She smiled at me.

"When you didn't want to fix your sight, I knew they you could use eco-location. We can heal your eyes enough so that you can still use your eco-location, but you can also read and write," she said

I don't remember exactly how they did it, but soon, I could see well enough to read and write. So they gave me this journal. I am forever grateful.

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