Polar Chapter 17

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Stora had reported something. She was able to give Polar a letter. It read:

Dear Polar,
I have regained some of my sight, enough for me to write. Do not attack this week. The Sky Flyers have returned, and are already putting up defences. The deadly fog will soon be back up against the borders. I repeat, DO NOT ATTACK THIS WEEK! I will give you another report when it isn't suicide to attack.

Polar read the letter.

"Stop all invasion plans.  We have until at the least next week to prepare,"

The captains and other soldiers nodded, and got to work on a new plan.

Polar should  have been thinking about the war, the invasion and the other important things happening. But instead he was thinking about Stora. About how beautiful she was, how amazing she was, and how he was in love with her.

He continuously stared at the ceiling, thinking about her. He was always thinking of how things could go wrong, how Stora could be captured. His heart would break if she died.

Polar shook his head.

"How are she soldiers looking?" Polar asked, "Are they in fighting shape?"

Tidepool nodded her head. "Some are causing trouble, and I have to go straighten it out.

"Mind if I join? Sometimes troops need to see their leader to cooperate," Polar said.

"Sorry, but, I think it would be more effective to train them into obedience," Tidepool said.

Polar just nodded and shooed her away. He was thinking about what to do next, and thought of building up endurance. Polar decided to do 20 laps around the island. He stretched his wings, and took off. He finished a lap every five minutes. When he was about to finish his 15th lap, claws wrapped around his mouth, and strong arms knocked him out.


Several hours later...

Polar woke up, bound in chains. An angry looking Stora was standing in front of him.

"How dare you lie to me!" She yelled, her voice echoing around. Polar, exasperated, looked up at her, confused, before he closed his droopy eyes, now enveloped in darkness.

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