Caelum Chapter 11

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The vines shriveled up. A small bluish white dragon hovered next to them.

"Get up in the air NOW!" The dragon said.

They didn't hesitate. They flew up in the air. Caelum tried to use her wings to clear away th fog. It didn't work. Caelum remembered she could use her special ability, cloud cover. It allowed her to see when inside clouds or fog banks.

The dragon that rescued them said, "Follow me"

They followed the dragon to her cave. There was no fog inside the caves in the area.

"We use the flowers here to keep the creature trapped here on the island. If we didn't, the entire world would be covered in the creature," She explained.

"Woa, woa, hold up!" Luna yelled, "THE FOG IS A LIVING THING?"

The dragon just nodded. "We call it the prisoner, but you can call it whatever you want."

I obviously did that on perpose *wink* if you read my last book, you would get it.

"Is there a way to kill the prisoner?" Saffire asked.

The dragon nodded. "It can only be killed by a Dragon of the Sky. We sent in the bravest of our sky dragons, but none have returned."

Caelum turned around and looked at her friends. They were obviously thinking the same thing as Caelum.

"I think you've been sending in the wrong kind of sky dragon," Caelum said, winking.

The dragon just gasped. Then, a large, but familiar dragon came into the cave from the outside.

"Brightsky, I told you to say when there is a visitor to our rea-" said a familiar voice. Then she widened her eyes and left.

"That was Queen Celestial. Isn't she wonderful? Usually she greets new people," Brightsky explained, "The sky dragons aren't like the others. We have a King ruling right now instead of a Queen. This is because we vote for our rulers. But usually, the mate of the ruling dragon takes their place in between the voting."

"Can we get an audience with the King? I would like to discuss your fog problem," Caelum asked.

She just nodded. "Just go to his throne room. All the caves are connected to there, as long as you only go to the right on the forked paths."

Caelum nodded, not really paying attention.

They walked through the caves until their talons hurt. They reached a fork in the path.

"We go left, right?" Caelum asked.

"No, I think it's the middle," Saffire said from the back.

"None of you pay ANY attention. She said to only go right," Violet said, annoyed.

Most of the group agreed with her. They went right. And after hours of going in circles, they finally reached the throne room. The King and Queen were sitting on their thrones, waiting. When they saw the Dragon's Wing enter, they sat straight.

"We have been expecting you," King Thunderstorm said.

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