World Heavy Weight Championship- Reigns vs Axel!

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Curtis was the first to be introduced to the ring, coming out with Heyman by his side. He held up his World Heavy Weight Championship title and entered the ring. He looked at the crowd and smiled as they booed him. The Shield’s music played as the camera moved up to show Roman standing at the top of the stairs in the audience. You could see a few hands reaching out and trying to touch him, some succeeded as he looked down and then to the crowd beside him with that serious look on his face. He began to walk down without any body by his side this time which was a little strange to Michael who was very excited to see the fight. Roman reached the black wall jumping over it and walking over to his side of the ring. He looked at the audience and then entered the ring; Axel and him were ready to fight they couldn’t wait. The bell rang and Curtis and Roman started off walking around in the ring, Roman faked like he was going to attack Axel and Curtis flinched. Roman laughed and Axel went to attack, kicking Roman in the leg. He ran back and bounced off the ropes, Roman stood up catching his leg and slamming him down.

“Curtis Axel may have been in over his head taking on Roman Reigns of the Shield.” Michael said.

“Roman has always been a tough fighter but so has Axel, he knew exactly what he was getting into when he challenged Roman to Money in the bank.” Jerry responded.

“Isn’t it funny how Roman suddenly went after Curtis Axel in the first place though? I mean before it was Cody Rhodes now it’s Axel, Roman is just on a rampage.” Michael said.

“I think he went after Rhodes because he was hitting on Payne.” John commented.

“Well think about it before they ever started competing for her attention Roman attacked Rhodes costing him his first match with The Miz.” Michael said.

Axel was in control at the moment; he had Roman wrapped around the ropes and was punching him in the chest. The referee pulled Axel off of him and Axel told him to back off; Axel went back to punching him in the chest and Roman’s arm loosened from the ropes. He grabbed Axel’s face and started kicking him in the leg. Axel moved back and Roman closed lined Axel then bounced off the ropes slamming down on him. He went for a cover and Axel kicked out; Roman sat up and scooped his hair behind his head. Standing up, Roman took Axel by the arm and pushed him into the corner. Roman ran towards Axel and Axel lifted up his leg kicking Roman in the face. Roman stumbled back rubbing his chin and trying to refocus on a now offensive Axel. Axel ran after him again with a few punches and then tried to pick Roman up; Roman slid down his back and used the suplex on Curtis. Roman went for another cover and Axel kicked out just in time.

“Paul Heyman is trying to encourage Axel.” Michael said.

“Heyman seems to have lost his mind a little; he’s been talking to himself for a bit.” John said

“That’s because his man is losing and I can bet you in a few minutes Curtis Axel will no longer be holding the World Heavy Weight Championship title.” Michael said.

“Well Axel thinks otherwise, it looks like he’s screaming that he’ll always be World Heavy Weight Champion.” John said.

Michael just laughed as Axel was standing on the ropes screaming at him and John. Roman got up slowly from suffering a high kick to the face by Axel. He ran towards Curtis and hearing Paul Heyman scream ‘behind you’ made him turn around but not in enough time. Roman knocked him over the ropes, Curtis was on the ground rolling over to get up when Roman came down kicking him in the head. Roman picked him up and banged his head into the pole and dropped him. He went under the ring and grabbed a chair but was speared by Curtis Axel again. Roman hit the steal stairs and was laid on the ground; Curtis Axel grabbed the chair that Roman just pulled out and started beating him with it. Roman jerked every time the chair hit him and then laid back down exhausted. The crowd was roaring, some screaming for Roman others just doing it to do it. A few audience hands reached out to touch Axel and Roman when Axel picked up Roman and Roman pushed him into the black wall. Roman walked over punching him in the face a few more times and then he tossed him across the commentary desk. Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and JBL got out of the way as Roman started to dismantle the desk and grabbed the box on top of it, he was screaming at Axel ‘come on’ and telling him to get up. Axel got up slowly from the ground and Roman swung with the box like object he took off of the desk. Axel was hit and landed back on the ground next to the time keeper. Roman picked him up and pushed him into the ring again and grabbed the chair he pulled out earlier. Once he was in the ring he started to hit Axel on the back with the chair about four or five times and then tossed it aside and went for a cover. Curtis Axel was still able to kick out.

“I gotta hand it to Axel he’s one tough guy, I mean how many wrestlers can take that many hits and still have some fight left in him?” John said.

“I agree with you John but I don’t know how much more Axel can do at this point he is exhausted and Roman is still dominating in this match.” Michael responded.

Roman was dominating the match; he picked up Axel on his shoulders and then jumped backwards landing on him as hard as he could, the Samoan drop. Roman turned around to a now unconscious Curtis Axel and landed the cover. The referee counted and the match was over, Roman Reigns was the winner he stood up and roared at the crowd. Back stage Payne was watching Roman and she said to herself forgetting that Molly was right beside her,

“I just love it when he does that, it’s sexy.”

The announcer said,

“Ladies and Gentlemen your new World Heavy Weight Champion Roman Reigns!”

Roman snatched the belt away from the announcer as Paul Heyman got into the ring to help up Curtis Axel. Axel was more out of it than Heyman thought he smacked his face lightly just to wake him up and Axel only moved a little. It was easy to tell he was exhausted and Paul Heyman was in shock. The rest of the audience however, was not they were cheering as loud as they could when Roman held up his new title and looked down at Axel with that mean evil look of his. He pulled his hair behind his head and then turned around to walk out of the ring. Coming up soon would be a match that Roman wasn’t ready to be involved in, but the Shield had a plan and they had to stick to it… No matter what the cost. Roman jumped over the black wall and walked up a few steps then turned around and looked back at Axel he raised his title again and said,

“Believe in the Shield!”

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