1. First Birthday

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"It's someone's birthday." You coo, picking up Aiden and walking into the bedroom where Harry still lay asleep. "Lets wake up Daddy." You whisper, knowing Harry can hear you by the smirk plastered on his face.

Aiden claps his hands together, scrunching them together as you move closer the the toddlers father. You sit him on Harry's stomach, watching as Aiden plays with the curls.

"That's my hair you know?" Harry chuckles, waking up and making Aiden's eyes go wide, not expecting him to wake up so quick. "How are you Buddy?" He laughs, picking him up and hoping out of bed, grabbing your hand as you walk downstairs for breakfast. 

"Grandma will be here soon, along with Gemma." Aiden's face lights up at the familiar sound of the word 'Gemma'. He loves here already. "And your going to get so many presents for your first birthday!" You cup his small cheeks.


"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Emma..."

Your whole backyard was full of people that were invited to Emma's first birthday party. The theme being of course pink, lets just say she takes after you for that.

"Daddy's girl has already grown a year." Louis whimpers, looking down at the ground and you can hear him sniffle.

"Come on Lou." You take him into the kitchen, grabbing a clean wet cloth as you dab around his face, getting rid of the sweat from running around with the kids. "We still have time with her though." 

"But it's all going to fast for me, I can't keep up. I swear yesterday was the first time I was holding her. I want her to stay the way she is." You pull him in for a hug, rubbing his back.

You knew Louis loved his little girl, but you never knew he was going to get this emotional about her growing at least a year. To you, it meant Louis could stop bugging you when he was bored and play with her.

"She's going to be fine." You whisper, pecking his forehead.


"Zayn, look at him...he's not eating it, he's beating it up." You laugh, seeing Eth making a mess of the cake you just gave him by banging it on the highchair he was in. "Can you clean him up please?" You call, seeing Zayn getting to his son, getting a bit of cake on him. "Eli, aren't you going to have some?" You ask, handing a tiny bit to him. Seeing his small hand slowly reach up to get it and gulp it down in seconds. "Your 1 now, 1 year closer to the world." You sigh, seeing how quick time flew with the twins.

"(Y/N)!" You hear Zayn squeal, it wasn't a scream or a yell, it was a squeal. "I have cake in my hair, get it out!" He whines, bending down so you could get rid of the tiny speck of blue cream that was on the raven strands.

"All that, for a tiny bit of cream?" You hear Trisha laugh from next to you, obviously laughing at her son that almost had a heart attack over a bit of cream in his hair.


"Good morning birthday girl." Liam smiles, picking up his now 1 year old girl. "Someone's turning 1 today." 

You stood at the doorway of Misty's bedroom, watching your husband bond more and more with his girl, watching him put her in her clothes for today.

"I can't believe she's turning one today." You sigh, wrapping your arms around Liam's waist, startling him a bit but he then relaxed knowing it was you. "I want it to be the day she was born again.

"What? And for me to get yelled at, have my hand almost broken and told I couldn't have sex again? No thanks." He jokes, turning around to kiss you. "Good morning to you as well. Now we have a big day planned ahead for my beautiful daughter, so we are going to spend it good. Lets go!"


"N-Niall, stop." You moan, feeling his breath going up and down your neck as your pushed more into the wall that you were currently leaning on.

"Just a few more minutes." 

"No, it's Ava's birthday and I want to spend it with her." You whine, not wanting to stop what was happening right but but not wanting to miss out on your daughters first birthday.

"Later?" He asked, lust still evident in his eyes.

"I'll think about it." You smirk leaving him to fix up his tosseled hair. "How is she doing?" You ask Maura who's holding a very fidgety Ava in her lap.

"I didn't know what she could do, so I just waited." She laughed, handing her grandaughter over to you.

"I'll take her to the sandbox." 

You then walk over, sitting with Ava as she plays with the sand, Niall watching over her as stands above.


OMG! Guys this is the first part of the Toddler Series! I'm so excited and I hope you are too!

Hope you liked this first chapter and I would love your feedback on it and your votes as well would be lovely. I have changed the book covers to the same things, just different titles so go check them out.

Instagram- (Private)-hanisaluc01 (Fandom)-jezabel_edits


Jezabel01 Xx

See ya hummingbirds!

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