9. With The Boys

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"Make sure he gets to bed by at least 6!" You call, leaving Aiden with the 4 other members of One Direction as it was another date with Harry. 

"He'll be fine, now can we go." Harry groaned, still trying to drag you out the door.

"I wanna say goodbye to my baby boy." You pout, picking up the 2 and a half year old, pecking his forehead which made him giggle as he wiped your kiss away. 

Zayn came and took Aiden back into the living room, setting him down on his lap as you walked out with Harry after you. When they heard the car drive down the street, Zayn turned Aiden around, just staring at the silent toddler in his hand.

"So...what do we do?"


Emma was with the boys while you were at work once again. Louis always questioned on you going but you just gave him a simple kiss on the cheek before leaving. Not bothering to answer knowing it will end up in an arguement.

"Emma! Liam's here!" Louis called throughout the house, listening carefully with his bandmate at the door for the urgent footsteps of a 2 year old. Soon hearing it echo after a second.

"LiLi!" She squeals, stumbling over to her godfather as he pickes her up and leads her back into the lounge room she was once in. The other boys followed as well, hugging Louis before entering. 

The whole day consisted of it all on Emma. Playing or watching anything she wanted on the TV which she loved.


Trisha wasn't able to take care of the twins since literally all the girls were sick, so the only option were the boys. 

Your Aunt just had surgery and it turned out to be bad, which then turned into you getting frenzy and getting ready to leave with Zayn. 

"I'll be back tomorrow morning. Don't do anything stupid or give them anything they shouldn't have. The phone and computer is in the study if you wanted to look anything up. Get them both to bed early after they've had something to eat." You rushed out to the 4 boys sitting on the couch in front of you. "Bye babies." You sigh, leaning down to kiss the twins on the head.

"They'll be fine (Y/N), don't worry." Niall smiled.

"Don't worry my ass." You mumble as you walk out the door to a waiting Zayn in the car.


"Listen to me Misteria. If I hear that you've misbehaved by one of these boys-"

"Liam, you've said that already and I'm pretty sure she understands." She laugh, rubbing his back to calm him down. Lately Misteria was being a huge handful and he was just worried about what will happen with the boys. "I know that you're worried but just let them handle it for the night." You kiss his cheek before grabbing your bag, picking up Misty on the way. "Be good for the boys for Mummy okay?" You set her down on the carpet that held all her stuffed toys on as she just nodded, kicking her boot covered feet around.

"Bu-bye Daddy!" She called through he house, waving her small chubby hand at her father as he left out the door.


"But she's different. She's a Horan. Niall's child. You do know what will happen when he finds out his daughter been watching his most hated team." Liam sighs, laying down as he sees the boys getting ready to watching another match of Derby. The boys just look at him along with little Ava.

"So." They shrug. 

"We'll take the blame for it." Louis smiled, reassuring the worried Liam who already knows what will happen if Niall finds out.

At the almost end of the game, the door to the lounge room opens with Niall walking in and realising what they are watching. 

"LIAM'S FAULT." Everyone yells and points to Liam who gets ready to run.


I know it isn't very good but I was in a rush and I just had to post something up. But I kinda liked how Liam's turned out :)

Jezabel01 Xx

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