20. The Ex Comes Back

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You and Harry were sitting on the couch. With Aiden at school gave you and Harry alone time together which you greatly enjoyed.

The bell rang and you were quick to open it, wanting to get back to the movie that Harry had paused for you. After wobbling over and opening the door you wished you hadn't.

"I heard your getting fat again? And I know for a fact no one isn't home with you so I can help you." She smirked stepping in. You forgot Harry was home instantly and your mind was focused on protecting your baby.

But before taking any more steps towards you she was dragged out and the door was slammed in her face which made you flinch. Arms wrapped around you and your shaking body and no words were exchanged.


"Soon he's going to realise that having a family with you was a bad mistake and he'll come running back to me." Hannah tortured you from your doorstep.

Louis was home and he was listening to everything was going on. It was 3am in the morning and this bitch comes knockin at your door, thinking that Louis was on tour with the band and no one was home with you.

"Please leave." You sigh, tired and just wanting to go to bed. Knowing that you just needed sleep, Louis hurried down which made Hannah step straight away from you and out the door down to her car. "3am. She had to come at 3am. God who wakes people up at 3am just to annoy them with shit." You growl, walking up the stairs with the help of Louis.


"What so you don't even bother telling me that my ex verbally abused you!?" Zayn yelled, tugging on his hair as you sat on the couch with tears streaming down from your eyes.

Geneva came back without the knowledge that Zayn was home, but knowing that you were pregnant pushed you over right in front of Zayn. Luckily the baby was okay, but Zayn definitely wasn't. He was screaming and chucking things around and you were glad that the twins were at school and didn't have to see this.

"Can you just stop yelling at me! This is what she wants. She wants us to fight and break it off." You whimper, your voice lowering at the end which made Zayn realise.

"But that wont happen." He whispered, bringing you in for a hug.


News got around that you were pregnant and you didn't mind. But what you did mind is that Sophia was back at your door, shouting insults at you thinking that no one was here to hear it. But little did she know that Liam was just in the kitchen, angry as hell when she started including your daughter in the rude comments.

It all ended up with Liam shoving her out since she was right in the hallway in your face, all the way down to her car and stormed back up to comfort you and you daughter.


"Niall has been saying some shit about you." Amy giggled, which you didn't find very funny at all. You knew she was lying. Maura told you about what she does out of jealousy so you couldn't be bothered to fall for it. "Well aren't you mad about this?" She asked, confused about your reaction.

"Nah, he's said the same about yout too, so win win right?" You shrugged. 

Niall was home and was trying his hardest to contain his laughs. You and Amy have been talking for ages and all she's been doing was getting in between you and Niall and thats mainly what the conversation was about. Him.


"Yeah, and he's just around that corner over there so you better leave." You smiled showing the door to her.

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