21. Terrible Nights

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Aiden was once again crying for the 2nd time tonight and it wasn't giving you the energy to get up anymore. When his crys and whimpers didn't stop and it didn't look like Harry would be waking up any time soon, you decided to get up to tend the poor child. 

"Aiden, you said you'd be good tonight. Mummy's tired and really needs to sleep and so does the baby." You sigh. 

"The bad dreams won't stop Mummy." He whimpered. 

And for the rest of the night, Aiden told you every little detail about his bad dream he had.


"Emma! Be quiet!" You could hear Louis' shouts from down the hall. 

You and Louis had decided to stay up late and watch some movies but Emma didn't sleep at all. She was shouting out to you both with her tiny voice if she could stay up late with you.

"But I wanna stay!" She shouted back and you can just imagine her arms crossed with a pout on her lips.

"No! Stay in bed and be quiet, you have school tomorrow." And then the door slammed and Louis appeared with an annoyed look on his face. "She just doesn't listen." He sighs, shaking his head and cuddling in to you.

"No one said it was going to be easy." 


The twins were making a racket upstairs when they were supposed to be sleeping in their separate beds. You didn't know what they were doing and you just wanted so quietness in the house. 

"Boys!" You shout, walking up the stairs to their room they shared. "What are you doing!" You look around the room to see clothes everywhere and toys chucked on the floor. "Get to bed, Dad's not going to be happy." By that they were already in their beds and tucked in.

"Sowry." They both said, sad and guilty looks on their faces.

"It's okay, I love you." 


"Mistera! Get back to bed." Liam calls for Misteria as she runs to you on the lounge, jumping straight on you.

"No Misteria don't." You quickly stop her from jumping on you stomach and Liam storms in and takes her back to her room where you can hear her crying and stomping her feet in a tantrum. Obviously Liam had enough of it and her bedroom door slammed shut making all the pictures on the wall uneven as he walked into the kitchen where you saw him grab a glass of water. "And you have another baby on the bloody way." He spat before taking off for the bedroom.

You just stood their, pissed off and sad that he just said that all over a terrible night.


"Ava? What's wrong?" Niall asked, turning the lamp on his side of the bed while you still slept, unaware of what was going on.

"I'm sorry." She whimpered as Niall picked her up and felt the patch on her underwear. "I didn't mean to." She whispered.

"It's okay princess, come one. Bathtime." Niall smiled, turning on the bath which woke you up in confusion. 

"What's going on?" You ask wearily, seeing Niall put Ava in the bathtub. 

"Terrible night, that's all."


Okay so I know that Niall's is totally different from the other boys preference but I just wanted something different because Niall isn't one to get rather angry in this series so yeah :)

Jezabel01 Xx

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