24. Teething (Age 3) - LATE

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Very quickly! I know that I was supposed to do this ages a go but I totally forgot and I wasn't able to slip it in :( The next chapter will be their current age...



"I just want to quick Harry." You giggle, taking Aiden out of his arms and into yours.

Aiden's now 3 and you wanted to see if he had started teething. It was something you were very excited about and couldn't wait to see if your baby boy had started growing teeth.

"Well?" Harry asked, seeing as you were taking a long time for checking Aiden's mouth.

And sure enough 3 little white bumps were forming on his bottom jaw.


"Ow!" You hear Louis shout from the living room which made you jump and almost cut yourself with the knife in your hand. 

"What's wrong? I heard you shout from all the way in the kitchen."

"She bloody bit me!" He scowled at Emma who just had an innocent look on her face as she looked between you and Louis.

"How? She has no te-" You stopped when Emma was smiling and laughing, clapping her hands as she saw Louis frown at her. "She has teeth!" You cheered, picking her up. 

"Got a good pair too." Louis grumbled.


The twins had just started teething and you were both in the middle of gently brushing their teeth after a few weeks of seeing their teeth grow.

They had gotten so attatched to the idea of doing everything with their new feature they pick up everything with their mouth, clenching whatever they picked up tightly in between. Either it be clothes, the baby spoons or their own hands. 

"Babe, he's biting on the toothbrush." You sigh. Ethan had a good grip of his jaw for such a young age. This is his 3rd toothbrush because he always chewed on the other ones.

"Ethan." Zayn poked his cheek which made a small white imprint on his cheek and Ethan immediately stopped and looked at him. "Don't bite on the toothbrush."


"My baby has teeth!" You hear Liam laugh as he raced down to you in the lounge room with Misteria in his arms. "She has teeth! Look, show Mummy your teeth." Liam leaned Misty over so you could see the white bumps forming in her mouth.

"T-Teeth." Misteria giggled and pointed to her open mouth.

"Yeah teeth." You nodded.

Suprisingly this weeks been fairly good and calm. Liam hasn't been mad with Misteria at all yet and Misteria hasn't annoyed Liam yet so it was a win win for you. 


You were feeding Ava at the dinner table as you and Niall ate along as well. With the little baby fork, you placed it in her mouth as he took the food. But what suprised you is that she wouldn't let the fork get out of her mouth.

"Niall, she's not letting go of the fork." You say, confused as you turned to look at him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. She's been teething for a few weeks now." He shrugged, getting back to his dinner which was almost finished by the way.

"You forgot? Niall yu can't forget to tell the mother of your child that her daughter is teething." You shake your head. "Just help me get her to detatch her teeth from the damn fork please."

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