22. Fights

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"I can't wait to start work again after this baby gets out." You laugh, taking the dishes out to the kitchen where you were followed by Harry. 

You loved the feeling of work. Being told to do something out of the house just made you feel relieved that you were doing something outside the house.

"Um, no your not. You're not going to work after this baby comes." Harry frowns, putting the cutlery away. "Either you like it or not your not working." He shrugged.

"Um, no I'm working." You were sure of it. "It gets me out of the house, it gives me something to do." You defend.

"Take Aiden and the baby out, clean the house there's always something to do other than work." You mouth fell open to his answer and you were beyound angry that he practically called you out as his maid or something.

"And what you can't do that?" You spit, chucking the towel at him and walking away.


"Lou, can you come help me?" You ask, dragging the basket full of laundry on the ground since it was hard for you to pick it up. "Louis? Can you come and help me please?" You ask again not getting an answer the first time. 

"Ugh, What! I'm trying to watch a bloody game here!" This made you flinched and Emma can into the living room where she saw you struggling. "It's just a laundry basket, you can do it your self." He says, getting back to the game. 

When Louis wasn't looking, Emma was quick to push the basket all the way to the laundry, after saying Daddy was a mean person. Little did you know, Louis was just outside the door.


"Babe, can you not go out again tonight? I need help around the house and dinner needs to be made while I get the boys ready." You ask, watching as Zayn started to pull his jacket over his shoulders.

"No." He simply said.

"No? Zayn I asked for help, can you at least give it to me?" You snap, your hormones going out of control when all the boys did was cry and complain about things and it was hard on you since you were once again pregnant.

"Well I said no. I'm allowed to live a little (Y/N)." He snapped after he turned around to face you, anger and a hint of guilt seen in his eyes.

"And you think I don't want that! I want to be able to go out there and 'live' a little but I have no help here and it's bloody unfair!" You sob, walking upstairs.


"Can you tell her to shut up!" 

Ever since Misteria mucked up that night and Liam said what he said, he's been more snappy and uptight lately. Things like the dishes aren't correctly washed and that his washing isn't done. It drove you over the top.

"What about you? When are you going to shut up! She's only being like this because you got angry at her the other night and I'm pissed off with you." You pick Misteria up and take her to her room, where her cries started to calm down as soon as your arms wrapped around her.

"Don't walk away from me after you said that!" He follows after you.

"Watch me." You say before slamming the door in his face.


"God, Niall stop coming home late and drunk!" You exclaim, dragging him onto the couch.

"Shut up!" He growls, chucking a pillow that missed you but hit Ava who walked into the living room. And all Niall did was laugh in his drunken state. "See that!? Hilarious!" Even Ava crying didn't bring him out of his drunk mood.

"When did I marry such a jerk!" 

"You would be nothing without that jerk!" Was all you heard before you locked you and Ava in your room.


So for lunch me and my Dad went to get something to eat and when I went to go get chips and order all these boys piled in and it was so crowded. I was the only girl there and it creeped me the fuck out and I guess my Dad noticed because he came in. And dear lord that shop better have more than 20 cans of Glen 20...jesus!

But anyway, I am going to do the fanfictions for this series :)

Jezabel01 Xx

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