12. Mummy Time

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Harry was working at the studio for and extra few hours, so it was just you and Aiden till dinner time and right now you were both having a blast around the house as you ran to get Aiden.

"I got you!" You giggled, picking up the panting 2 year old as he laughed in your arms. "Mummy got you!" You kissed his forehead, setting him on the ground and taking one of his hands, taking him into the kitchen. "Hungry squirt?" You smiled, handing him a bowl of cut up fruit from earlier. 

He instantly took it, eating with his hands knowing you were raising and adorable son.


"What did you want Em?" You asked your daughter who was sitting in the trolley with the food surrounding her.

"Chocolate!" She screamed, giggling loudly where you got stares and looks. 

"Shh Emma, don't scream." You scolded her yet laughed at the same time, knowing you couldn't get angry at her for something that cute. She was just like her father.

"Chocolate." She whispered, continuing to point at the shelf full of chocolate bars and cans. "Mummy, carrots." She whined, pouting a she pointed to the orange veggie.


You had the whole day with the twins and you couldn't have been more excited than ever. Having to spend the whole day with your boys sent events of what to do with them swirling through your head.

You ended up at the park, the twins insisting on staying at the sandbox where they knew they could eat it and play with it at the same time.

"Your know Daddy is going to wash your hair more than once when he gets home." You smile, eeing their heads snap up at the mention of the word 'Daddy'.

"Daddy hair?" Ethan frowned, putting his sand covered hands in his hair.

"Yeah, Daddy hair." You laughed, scooping the sand into a mountain.


Liam was working in the study while you and Misteria were in the lounge room having a Toy Story marathon. Of course.

"Buzz!" Misty squealed, clutching her stuffed Buzz toy as she saw her favourite character. 

"Shh baby, Daddy's wo-"

"Misteria, can you stop screaming!" Liam shouted from the study, making your young girl cower into your lap.

You guys went back to the movie, both of you falling asleep on the couch together. Liam soon came in, stopping when he saw your sleeping figures. Worrys rushed through his head about his journey with his little girl when he saw her tear stained cheeks.


"What sound does this animal make Ava?" You ask, holding up the rubber duck from the bathtub you were both in. 

"QUACK!" She giggled loudly,splashing around which made the water flow over the edges and onto the towels you placed before you got in. "Opps." She shrugged, going back to her playing with bubbles.

"Ava, you grew a beard!" You gasped, putting soap on her chin as she laughed, putting some on your chin.

"What's going on in here?" Niall laughed, seeing his 2 favourite girls with white beards.


So I found out who hacked my Wattpad, Twitter and Kik.

It was one of my friends. She told me today and laughed about it, she was the only one laughing also because she's done it to heaps of my friends before and I'm beyond pissed right now. I confronted her for thinking it was funny and she just screamed at me saying that I was stuck up and getting up her for no reason. Like bitch, you made every one think I was pregnant for christ sake. It's like me telling everyone you got raped or something (WHICH I'M NOT OFFENDING IN ANYWAY!) 

Anyway, she had no friends right now because she's done it to everyone...literally everyone and yeah. The bad thing about it is that my boyfriend had a go at me asking if it was even his! I mean, I've had done IT with him and only him. Heck he's my first bloody boyfriend! So I told him what happened and he absolutely hates that chick right now. He brought me chocolates this afternoon :)

So I hope you like this chappie :)

Jezabel01 Xx

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