3. Personalities

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Aiden was always quiet and the nights seemed to get easier everytime. It was rare that he cried, only if he desperately needed something. He can still be cheeky though. With the same smile and hair like his Dad, you knew they would cause trouble in the near future. 


Emma was a troublemaker already at the age of 1. Always pulling things out and leaving them aroud the house, making you fall over every now and then. It was a love/hate thing you didn't like. She was just like Louis. Giggly and cheeky all over. She has all his features, only have your skin colour which makes her even more beautiful at the moment.


Ethan, being the oldest out of the twins by at least a minute, was the loudest. Always laughing loudly and smiling so wide. His giggles were contagious to anyone around him and you knew he got that from you. He got Zayn's looks but your peronsality inside.

Eli didn't do much. He looked up to Ethan all the time. When ever Ethan did something that looked like fun to the 1 year old, he would eventually join in...just quietly. He didn't look like Zayn at all, just for the raven hair that he had inheritaded, but he was mainly a little you in boy form.


Misteria was a little greedy. Even though she was 1, she would chuck tantrums whenever something didn't go her way or if she wasn't allowed to do something. This is what you and Liam worried about. Her growing up to be a snobby little girl who always wanted her way. She was smart though, just a little out of hand.


Ava was an absoloute angel. Never once did you have to say the word 'no' to the little 1 year old because she already knew what and what not to do. You knew Niall took a big part in it. She had a big appetite and saidyes to anything, never having trouble with eating at all. Just the part where she had to use a fork was the problem...


So I checked how many reads this book already got...AND IT"S AMAZING! Almost 600 reads already and I want to thank you guys for that.

Now if you live in Australia, you would know that tomorrow is Mother's Day. How would you like me to do a little preference to this book about it? Leave your comments below. Also if you wanted to ask me any questions, I would be happy to ask them :)

Jezabel01 Xx
See ya hummingbirds!

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