14. Baths

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Bath times with Aiden were the highlight of you night. Always. His cute little dipples he manage to get from his Dad always show up when you but bubbles on top of his head. He does the same to either you or Harry when you bathe with him and he just completely loves it. 


When Emma had baths, let's just say that water always got into the walls which meant rotten walls. She just got so carried away with having a bath that she would always splash and chuck water over the edge. You thought it would stop but no. Now an hour before she has a bath, everything is covered with thick towels.


It was a struggle to say the least. Having twins in a bath, not a good idea. You only had one of each toy and they both loved the little truck that you put in along with many other toys at the side. But no. It had to be that specific toy and it would result in a tantrum and screaming match. You always thought that having twins in a bath at the same time was cute...not now.


It was quiet. Just the splashing of water calmed everyone after a stressful day. Misteria on a bath chair as he water covered just under her shoulders. Liam was always the one to wash her and for the first time all day she didn't complain. Usually after the baths, you all ended up watching movies. Misteria laughing with her Daddy the whole night.


Ava hated baths, just like her Dad used too. But when she saw you walk into the bathroom at 5:00 in the afternoon, she was off...naked. At first it was a laugh but then when Niall came home from one of those days at work and saw Ava running around, it sent him off. Demanding harshly to get her toosh upstairs before he makes her. The whole time in the bath, she cried. But that was all resolved when Niall gave her little pieces of chicken in the bath tub.


Once again I'm sorry I haven't updated in ages.

I read your comments before and it makes me feel even better when people who read or follow my books have the same current problem. I've talked to a few of you and I feel even better :)

Thanks for being there!

Which one was you favourite!? ^^^^

Jezabel01 Xx

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