Chapter 2

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You quickly went back inside your apartment because you were cold and wasn't about to be miserable. After you grabbed the hoodie, you started to make you way to the city. Everything in Korea was so different and amazing. The sights were amazing and didn't would fail to look like such a tourist because of all the pictures you were taking. Food the food here for sure was my favorite. My friend who had came to Seoul for vacation said that the street food was amazing so why not try it right. You started walking around seeing what each vendor is selling a lot of foods didn't look that appetizing to you the more you looked around the more  you wanted something that you were familiar with. Then you saw chickens feet, those were your favorite at my grandmother's house so why not try the Korean version. After paying for it you decided to keep walking around and taking pictures, while you were strolling around you found a park bench and sat there eating the chicken feet. It was good but your grandmother's was waaaay better. You got back up and started walking around window shopping.
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow
You quickly turned your head to see where the music was coming from and made your way to the store and of course walked in because how can one just walk away from BTS like come on now. They were selling poster, notebooks, and many other stuff and you really wanted to buy at least one thing. After looking around for a good 30 minutes you decided to buy a Taehyung pen so that way you can have him with you while you work. You were very happy with your purchase, and started walking back home and then decided that you wanted something to drink. You spotted a cafe and walked towards it, and waited in line. It's a cute cafe it felt very homey, you told yourself that wouldn't mind coming here just to relax and have a drink.
"What can I get for you ma'am?" The cashier asked.
"Oh um yes can I have a (your favorite drink) please".
"Okay that'll be 500 won".
You gave the cashier the money and waited for your drink to come out. It was taking a while but you didn't mind, you didn't have nowhere to go but the guy next you looked very upset since it was talking a long time. You would take secret glances of him not to make it obvious that you were totally checking him out.
"I have a (your favorite drink) and an Americano ready at the front" the guy shouted.
You started to make your way to the front and noticed the guy was following you, you grabbed my drink and found a place to sit so you could enjoy your drink. You were looking around the cafe and noticed that they had some interesting pastries so you thought why not try it. You went back up to the cashier and choose a pastry that you wanted to try.
"Here's your change ma'am" said the cashier handing your change.
"Oh thank you" you said back to him.
You tried to open your wallet and make your way back to the table that you were sitting at. You were fidgeting with your wallet since you couldn't open it and wasn't paying any attention to any of your surroundings.
"Ha I opene-" you said before you bumped into something.
You fell to floor and laughed because your a natural klutz. Then you noticed someone else on the floor looking at you kind of upset and also laughing along with you.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" you said to him and tried to help him up.
"It's okay we both were paying any attention" he said to you.
His voice was so deep and raspy it's almost as if you had heard it before. You noticed that he picking up the change you dropped and you quickly started to pick up the change too. You couldn't help but check him out because you found him super attractive. Then you started to notice he had small little moles on his nose, and started to look at his face more.
"I'm sorry but can you please stop staring at me I'm kind of uncomfortable" he said to you.
You were super embarrassed because you didn't mean to stare at him it's just that he looked really familiar.
"I'm sorry but it's like I've seen you before" you said and were you getting up from that ground.
"Well maybe you have, probably on posters or on commercials" he said.
"No I doubt it I just moved here and I haven't even turned on the tv but you look so famil- wait" you stared at him again and hardcore staring at his features.
"No I'm crazy there is no way who I think you are. Yea that's it I'm crazy" you said and started laughing.
"Who do you think I am" he asked.
"I doubt that your him because that'll be insane that i meet you at a cafe and bumped into you it's just crazy so I'm not going to say and get my pastry" you got up and left that conversation to get the pastry that was waiting for you in the front. You grabbed it went back to where you were sitting and noticed he was sitting two tables in front of you. You started to check him out again and kept telling yourself that it was no way in hecks it was Taehyung no way highly doubted it. You decided to let go and enjoy your food. When you were finished you got up and decided to throw your trash away and make your way back to your apartment. Then you heard someone whisper
"I'm exactly who you think I am".
You looked up and saw the guy smile at you and made his way out of the cafe. In that moment you knew you had to act on your feelings because what are the chances of you ever seeing him again, you went outside and tried to catch up with him.
"Taehyung wait!"

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