Chapter 7

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  You woke up extra early today because it was your first day of work and you were really excited. You wanted to make sure you had everything organized before you left. It's 6:30 am and you had to be at the by 8 am classes don't start till 8:45 am. You told Taehyung that your first day of work was coming up and that you were excited but also really nervous.
"Don't worry you'll do great" he said before he took a sip of coffee. He came over to come support you and to have breakfast with you. He started coming over a lot in mornings, it was just something he always did.
"I mean I don't know it just so nerve racking, by the way so you tomatoes in you omelette" you asked him.
"You'll do great and if you feel like freaking out just message me and I'll try my best to be there for you, and yes please" he responded back.
Taehyung and you got a lot closer over the past two weeks he would come over for breakfast and would try to make time to see you or talk to you. You really liked how your friendship was going and didn't want to do anything that may cause it to be ruined. Of course you still love him with all your heart but you didn't want to force your feelings on to him.
"Can you get the plates please, the omelettes are almost ready" you told him.
"Yes of course, do you want me to get the kimchi and bowls out too" he asked.
"If you can be ever so kind" you told him. He laughed and got out everything for you. He set the table and waited patiently for his omelette, he put rice in the bowls while you were putting the finishing touches on the omelette.
"Breakfast is served" you said as you placed his omelette on his plate. He started getting really excited, he always told you that he loves your cooking.
"It looks delicious I'm so excited" he said happily. He thanked you for the food and you both started eating.

*time skip*

"Thank you for the breakfast Y/N" he said after rubbing his tummy. "I think I ate more than what I should've" he said.
"I told you no to all the kimchi and you did" you laughed as you were washing the plates.
"Yea i know I just love kimchi" he replied back to you as he was drying the plates and stacking them.

Once you both finished cleaning up the kitchen he went to watch TV in the living and still enjoy his cup of coffee. While you went to your bedroom, you were trying to figure out what to wear to work. You weren't sure if blue jeans were okay but you also didn't want to look super over dressed. You brought out three outfits and placed them on your bed trying to figure out which one was the best one. You heard a knocking sound at door, "come in" you said still focusing on the outfits.
"You okay? It's looks like your in deep thought" he said as he came to you.
"Oh yea I'm okay I just don't know what to wear" you told him.
"Let me see what do you have here" he responded back. Taehyung started messing with the clothes and and put them in different combinations.
"Why don't you wear the wide pants with the white shirt and some flats" he suggested. You looked at him and saw the combination and liked what he choose.
"I like that, not to dress and not to plain" you told him.
"Glad I could help your dilemma" he said smiling. He walked out of your bedroom so that you could start getting dressed. 15 mins later you were just applying light make up and putting the finishing touches on your hair. When you were done you really like how you looked and did little gun hand gestures at the mirror.
"Okay Tae Is going to start heading out" you told him as you were getting you bags for work.
"Oh oka- whoa you look beautiful, I choose the right cloths for you" he smiled.
"Thank you for helping me out" you told him. You opened the shoe cabinets looking for your flats and grabbed the jacket you had on the coat hanger.
"Did you want me to walk you to work" he asked.
"You don't have to, it's not that far from here. Don't you have morning practice today" you ask him.
"No not today, and I want to walk you to work" he replied. "Here let me take you bags" he said as he grabbed your bags and putting on his shoes.
"Are you sure" you asked him once again.
"Yup I don't want you to walk alone" he told you.
You both left your apartment and started walking to the school.

Once you arrived at the school gates he gave you your bags. "Well have a good day and remember if you freak out or anything text me okay" he told you.
"Yes Tae I will" you responded back to him. He smiled and started walking away. You entered the school and started looking for the teachers room so that you can get everything ready.
"Y/N darling". You turned around to find Ms.Lee running towards you.
"Good morning Ms.Lee" you told her.
"Well good morning to you too, I saw that you looked a little lost" she told you.
"Oh wow is it that noticeable" you asked.
"A little darling but that's okay because your new no worries" she said smiling at you. "Your an English teacher so you would be in my department" she told you. You both made your way to the teachers room, and you found you desk that was ready to be stacked with lesson plans and papers.
"What time does your first class start" Ms.Lee asked you.
"Umm let me check *checks schedule* it starts at 8:45 am" you told her.
"Awe that good so bet that you get out earlier right" she asked.
"Yes I have 8th and 9th period off" you told her.
"I loved that schedule the most. I use to have it but don't start classes till 11 am. By the way I love your outfit it looks so cute" she said.
"Oh thank you Tae put it together for me" you said blushing.
"Tae? Your boyfriend? Oh I meet him, he is so sweet" she said.
"Oh he's not my boyfriend I just like him a lot" you told her.
"Well I'm still going to call him your boyfriend because I think you look cute together" she said and started drinking her coffee.Her words were stuck in head and you start blushing a lot.

"Why is Ms.Y/L/N red" Mr. Park asked.
"Oh she's just thinking about her boyfriend" Ms.Lee responded. You started smiling a lot and all the nerves you had few away because you were thinking about Taehyung.

The time for your first class start approaching and you started get the lessons for the classes. "Well I'm off to my first class wish me luck" you told Ms.Lee. She smiled and did a little "fighting" motion. Before you entered the class you texted Taehyung,

To: 💜💜💜
       First class let's do it 👊🏻

From: 💜💜💜
       You can do it! Also why did you use the punching emoji. Don't punch me 😭

To: 💜💜💜
       It was suppose to be a fist bump 😳

From: 💜💜💜
       Oh... in that case....
        You can do it!! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

To: 💜💜💜
      OMG stop punching me 😭

From: 💜💜💜

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