Chapter 5

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2 weeks had passed by, Taehyung and you talked almost everyday. He also comes and visits you when he has time, he sometimes brings you flowers. There was no doubt that the relationship between you and him was getting pretty serious, thanks to a unpredicted table of events.

*4 days ago*

You were getting you lesson plans ready for the school year and getting to know the other teachers in the school. They all welcomed you with open arms and even took you out drinking. Which was a bad idea because you couldn't really hang, after your second year in UNI you pledged to stop drinking and be the DD. You're friends Mr. Park, Mr.Lee and Ms. Lee invited you out to go out for a drink, didn't want to be rude so you accept the offer. You told yourself one drink and that's it, you'll just enjoy the night laughing and eating like you always did back home.

*couple of hours and soju bottles later*

Mr. Park: Hey Y/N you good there?
Y/N: maaaaaaaaaan i haven't had dis much fun since like forever meeeeeeeen *laughs*
Ms. Lee: She's drunk, she's so drunk
Mr.Lee: You don't say Jen? I thought she was sooo sober.
Y/N: nooo don't get mad and Jenny she's so nice and like *starts crying* and she cares for me when I'm alone
Mr. Park: Way to go Josh you made her cry.
Ms. Lee: Y/N darling don't cry *comforts you* Josh was just joking, right Josh?
Mr.Lee: Yes Y/N, don't cry please don't cry.
Y/N: *sniffles* okay i won't cry. *yawns* I'm sleepy
Ms. Lee: oh no no no no Y/N darling where do you live well take you there.
Y/N: *snores*
Mr. Park: She passed out, wow, um okay do you guys know where she lives?
Ms/Mr.Lee: nope
Mr. Park: was that her phone? Maybe someone who could help us out? *gets your phone and opens KakaoTalk* oh its a text message from someone
Ms.Lee: her boyfriend!?
Mr.Park: I think so he's name just has a bunch of hearts
Ms.Lee: Message him quickly!
Mr.Park: On it
"Hi this is Y/N co-worker Daniel, we came out with Y/N but she got really drunk and she's now asleep. We're heading out but none of us know where she lives, if it's not to much trouble could you come get her we're at Lazy Bar #1 ir if you can't can you at least send us her address?"
Okay I sent it
*10 minutes later*
Ms.Lee: maybe she could crash at my place
Mr.Park: just give the guy 2 minutes he said he was on his way.
Mr.Lee: I'm so sleepy I think I'm going to sleep here too
Ms.Lee: don't start Josh I will leave you here
Mr.Lee: awe babe don't be like that
Ms.Lee: I will be like that Josh, I'm still not over the fact that you forgot our anniversary.
Mr.Lee: I said I was sorry
Ms.Lee: sorry doesn't cut it

After a few minutes pass someone comes into the bar.

Mr.Lee: do you think that's him?
Ms.Lee: i don't know go ask him
Mr.Lee:what why me?
Ms.Lee: do it or you'll sleep on the couch again
Mr.Park: you know I'm really glad I'm still single
Mr.Lee: I got married too young
Ms.Lee: you realize I can hear you right? And weren't you're the one who said "Jennifer please don't leave back to America, marry me and we'll be happy"
Mr.Park: ooooo she got you there I was there for that
Mr.Lee: shut up you're suppose to be on my side
Ms.Lee: go ask him Josh
Mr.Lee: okay okay

Mr.Lee makes his way to the guy who just walked into the bar, "jesus he's tall" he told himself.

Mr.Lee: hello are you by any chance Y/N's boyfriend?
???: *nods*
Mr.Lee:She doesn't have a name on your contact name, just a bunch of hearts, whats you're name?
Tae: you can call me Tae
Mr.Lee: well Tae she's over there passed out *points to the corner of the bar where the other employees are*

Mr.Lee and Tae make their way to where you and the rest of your coworkers are.

Mr.Lee: hey it's her boyfriend
Tae: hello *bows* sorry about her
Ms.Lee: *gets up* oh no no no it's alright, she's a lovely person she just had one too many
Tae: yea she is *smiles* well I get her home now, can someone help me put her on my back please *squats down*
Mr.Park: oh yea of course I'll help you

Once Mr.Park finally got on Tae's back, Ms.Lee put your purse around your neck.

Tae: okay we'll be on our way thank you for taking care of her, I'm sorry again.
Ms.Lee: it's no trouble at all make sure she gets home safe okay. Bye bye

Taehyung and you left the bar and started walking towards your apartment. You started to wake up but still really intoxicated, you looked around and notice you weren't at the bar anymore.

Y/N: where am i?
Tae: oh are you waking up?
Y/N: mhmm, you smile really good.
Tae: Y/N do you know who I am?
Y/N: Mr.Park?
Tae: nope try again
Y/N: well you're not Mr.Lee because Ms.Lee would be here too.
Tae: Y/N, it's me Taehyung *smiles*
Y/N: WHAT!?! Put me down Im probably so heavy I'm so sorry for troubling you *struggles to get down*
Tae: I'm not letting you down so you are going to stay on back till I get to your apartment, also I doubt you can walk
Y/N: Wanna bet? I can walk I'll show you
Tae: okay fine but I can still smell the alcohol in your breathe you can't walk

Taehyung puts you down and you try to prove to him that you're not as drunk as he thinks you are. You pick up your pants and fix your shirt and look at him and smile, you took your first steps and fell.

Y/N: Damn that's embarrassing
Tae: *laughing*
Y/N: Don't laugh please *starts turning really red from embarrassment and starts tearing up*
Taehyung realizes that you started crying and goes to you.
Tae: Hey why are you crying?
Y/N: i always cry when I'm drunk I'm an emotional person
Tae: cute come here let me carry you back to your apartment, you can tell me whatever you want okay I'll be your support?
Y/N: i might tell you how much I love you, but promise me you won't laugh at me okay
Tae: okay I promise
Y/N: pinky swear it *puts pinky out*
Tae: cute *wraps pinky around yours* now tell me all about how you fell in love with me. *smiles*

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