Chapter 8

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All of your classes were going well, the kids were lovely and respected you. Which made you really happy because when you had to do your hours in Texas the kids you had weren't very nice, but you made it through the day. You, of course, texted Taehyung thought out the day telling him about your classes and the kids.

To: 💜💜💜
   The kids are so great! They're making my job easy 😭 I want to buy them candies!

From: 💜💜💜
     I'm glad you like them, so no anxiety attacks right? All good? Buy them candy, but not a lot we don't want them to have a sugar rush.

To: 💜💜💜
      No anxiety attacks, and that's right I'll give little treats through out the year for them.

From: 💜💜💜
      Sounds like a great plan I'll see you after work with a celebration for having a good first day

You were really happy at the thought that Taehyung might do something sweet for you but you also didn't want to get your hopes up so you remanded really mellow about it, happy but mellow. He knew about your anxiety, and had also seen some of them and would help you through it with breathing exercises, you made a joke once saying that you were giving birth. He didn't think it was funny but you laughed it off for him.

   You also got a chance to meet a lot more teachers during you lunch period. Ms. Lee introduced you to everyone and they all seemed really nice, but of course you were closest to Mr. and Ms. Lee and Mr. Park. Mr. Park teaches math right after a majority of your English classes so you would see him the most. You use to think that he was really attractive but of course that flew out the window when Taehyung came into your life.

"What shall we have for lunch Ms. Y/L/N" Mr. Park said as he put his arm around your shoulder.

"Ummm I don't know" you replied trying to get his arm off you.

"You know I'm kind of craving lettuce wraps but I also want pizza, what should I do" He asked.

You managed to get his arm off your shoulder and said, "Well I thin-"

"That's a great idea, Ms. Y/L/N, BOTH, of course why settle for one when you can have two" he said as he cut you off.

"Daniel don't you think that'll be too much food?" Ms.Lee questioned him.

"I'll work it off I mean look at me" *flexes* he said.

Daniel Park was very attractive, he had broad shoulders, was muscular but not too muscular, and had very lushes lips. In short he was everyone's ideal type or so he thinks.

"And what about it" Ms.Lee stated.

"What do you mean what about it" he asked.

"Never-mind, just know that your not that good looking. Come on Y/N let's go get lunch Mr. Lee is waiting" she grabbed my arm and we left Daniel speechless.

"Do you think he'll be okay" I asked.

"Yes he need to get off his high horse" Ms. Lee laughed.

You both meet up with Mr. Lee and had lunch. He brought sandwiches, which was Ms.Lee's favorite. You learned a lot about them and how they meet. It was a really cute love story, and you can tell that Mr. Lee really loves his wife. He got everything she likes and caters to what she wants. He always puts himself second and admires her. You found it really cute and hoped that one day that you would find someone like that.

Lunch period flew by fast meaning you had two more classes before you can go home, relax and see Tae. You started gathering your lessons and we're subconsciously smiling.

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