Chaper 14

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y/N POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*beep beep beep*

Your alarm started going off and you pressed the snooze, you slowly started opening your eyes and you started freaking out when you saw Taehyung next you. You smiled at how cute he looked, you slowly got out his grasp and made your way to your closet. You choose a sweater with some blue jeans for work. You went to the restroom washed your face and brushed your teeth and started applying your make up.

You decided to start making breakfast and coffee since Taehyung was here and he really likes your coffee. So you started making coffee and looked in your fridge to see what you can make for breakfast. That's when you realized that you needed to go grocery shopping. Today is Friday, so you could go today after work since it's pay day today.

All you had was bananas 1 egg and milk. "I guess i could make banana pancakes for us, since that literally all I have".

You started peeling the bananas and smashing them in the bowl, cracked the egg and put a little bit of milk in the mixture. You turned on the oven and put a pan and waited for pan to heat up.

"Good morning beautiful" you felt arms wrap your waist. "What's for breakfast?"

"Today we're going to have banana pancakes and coffee" I said happily.

"Is the coffee ready?"

"It should be"

Taehyung went to the cabinets and got two coffee mugs, and poured coffee for us.
"Do you want me to get out plates too?" He asked.

"If you could be so kind" I said happily.

"Of course" He replied.

He got out the plates and placed them on the table. I put a pancakes and each other's plates.

"There's are more pancakes on the side okay, Tae?" I said.

He nodded in agreement. We were about to start eating till we heard a knock on my door.

"I'll get it Tae, continue eating" I said. He nodded in agreement and I made my way to the the door.

I opened the door and to my surprise Jimin was at my door.

"Hello?" I said.

"Y/N! I missed you so I came over for breakfast" he said happily.

"Don't you have morning practice?"

"Morning pract- oh umm yea... it got canceled" he said.

You weren't convinced at all and you didn't know how to tell Jimin that you didn't really want him here.

"Well I do-"

"Babe is someone at the door" Taehyung said.

"Babe?" Jimin said confused.

"Baby who is- oh hey Jimin, did Olive leave early this morning or last night?" Taehyung asked.

"Who's Olive" you asked.

"No on-"

"Oh Jimin didn't tell you sweetie? Olive is one of Jimin's girlfriends" Taehyung said.

"Oh I didn't know you had a girlfriend Jimin" you said.

"I don't Y/N she's just a -" Jimin stopped talking and looked at Taehyung and you. "So are you guys dating now?"

"Yep. I slept over last night" Taehyung put an arm around your shoulder and brought you closer to him. "She's my girl, and we couldn't be happier".

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