Chapter 22

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                             •• 6 months later ••

I moved out of the boys apartment and found my own place incredible close to the school. Renae and Olive are my roommates which is pretty awesome because we like the best of friends. Renae and Suga we're slowly getting close and Olive still had a dilemma with Jungkook and Jimin. So she stopped hang out with both them to figure out what she wanted. She focused more on her studies and on school for the last few months. Even found someone really nice and sweet in her Psychology class.

"So Danny tell me what are you and Olive" Renae questioned him.

"My name is Daniel and i mean i like her but i want to take it slow get to know her more" Daniel said confidently.

"I'm going to call you Danny" Renae snapped.

"Yah! Cool it okay when did you become Olive'a Dad" I said laughing giving Daniel a cup of water and sat next to him.

"Since you started acting like a wife" Renae snapped at me. I looked at her and squinted my eyes in complete annoyance.

"Sorry I took so long Danny" Olive said as she rushed in.

"It's okay your friends seem nice.,you look amazing by the way" Daniel said as a like pink blushed on his cheeks.

"So I can't call you Danny but she can? Okay I see how it is" Renae said pretending as if she was hurt. Olive gave a Renae an annoyed look and grabbed Daniel by his arm and started walking towards the door. They put on their shoes and made their way out the door.

"They grow up so fast" Renae said and she faked cried.

"Shut up" I said laughing.

"Man I just counting down the days till I get to see Yoongi again after the tour. It's been killing me I miss his scent" Renae said and started blushing. "What about you and Taehyung are you guys keeping in close contact" she said genuinely curious.

"I text and call him every day but it seems that he's busy so I just tell him to take care of himself and to stay healthy" I told her. I'm not going to lie and I that I don't miss him because I do. I miss more now than ever. It kind of upsets me that he doesn't talk to me as much as Yoongi talks to Renae but he might be busy and I don't want to put unnecessary stress on him.

"Well I'm going to bed because I'm exhausted and I have to be at work early tomorrow" I said as I got up from the chair and started to walk to my room. "Night Renae".

"Night bestie"

                             ••early next morning••

I woke up at 5:30 am and checked my phone just Incase he texted me while I slept, but as expected nothing. Just twitter notifications and it from the boys of course. I tapped on the notification only to see Taehyung feeding ARMY's with selcas. Smiling to myself for a while I liked and of course retweeted it. I scrolled through some of the comments and smiled on what they said,

"Y/N is so lucky cutest couple I ship"
"Remember to stay healthy oppa! Y/N wouldn't like it if you weren't"

As I continued scrolling I saw pictures of a random girl that kept appearing but I didn't pay any attention to it and exited out of the app and started to get dressed for work. Once I was done getting dressed I sent Tae a good morning message with a picture of my outfit of the day, and started making my way to work.

As I got to the teachers room I placed everything on my desk and started getting my lesson plans ready for the day. I enjoyed coming to work early I have this time to grade papers, make coffee and make any last minute changes to my plans.

As the school day started everything was going swiftly. Some people at my work place knew I was Taehyung's girlfriend and would try to be my closest friends but I was nice to them and was never mean because I knew if I were to be mean it would stain Tae's picture. The school day was eventually over and I started walking back to the apartment, I knew that both Renae and Olive would be there and probably Daniel if Olive wanted him to come over.

"I'm home" I announced as I opened the door. I started to take off my shoes and heard talking coming from the living room. I slowly made my way to the living room but was quiet because I wanted to know that they were saying.

"We need to tell her"

"No I need to tell her your going to comfort her"

"I think it should be the other way"

"The the best friend Renae you comfort her"

"I knew something was suspicious wh- Hey baby girl" Renae stopped mid sentence when she saw me in the door way.

"What's going on" I asked hesitantly.

Oliva and Renae looked at eachother and Olive took a big sigh before talking.

"Have you heard from Taehyung oppa lately" she asked

"No he's busy, I don't want to stress him out when they're on tour"

"Y/n" Renae said. I turned my attention to her. "You need to see these pictures". My eyes grew big as Renae handed me her phone she was waiting for me to move my hands but I couldn't get my arms to move. Slowly and shaking I grabbed the phone and looked at the pictures. Shocked and felt tears running down my eyes, I started to laugh but then started to cry.

"Who is she" I asked.

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