Chapter 18

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~JIMIN POV~~~~~~~~~~

I saw him kiss her, I heard him confess his love of her. She of course told him that she loves me but he told her to try to think of him more. What the heck Jungkook. You knew I love Olive, yes I didn't treat her right, yes I was a kind of a shitty boyfriend, but that doesn't mean you can take her from me. But you knew her more than I did, and that hurts me, I didn't know anything about her just the fact that she's younger and is going to school. You knew what made her happy, you tried to make her happy. When all I did was make her cry.

I slowly started walking back to my room and saw the photo album Olive threw at me, I squatted down, picked it up and headed back to my room. Went towards my desk opened the photo album and saw all the pictures she took of us, she looked so happy, I looked happy at the beginning but slowly started to look upset and mad.

Olive was always smiling, I loved that about her, she was always there for me when the other girls weren't. Maybe Jungkook is right, I don't deserve her. I did her wrong. She deserves to be with Jungkook. Maybe I should stop with my player ways, they're getting to complicated for me.

I think I will start fresh, start a new page in my life, and if by some miracle Olive comes back to me I'll treasure her the way she needs to be treasured.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Renae POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yoongi ended up just wanting to buy ice cream and taking it back home. I'm not about to complain because I mean at least I'm with him alone. He doesn't really talk much to me and I obviously can't talk to him because i have the biggest crush on him.

"So you like music" he said out of no where.

"M-music? Oh ha y-y-yea I like music" stop stuttering.

"What kind in particular"

"I don't really have a favorite but I like pop and rap" Yes good take your time feel your words.

"Oh really I like that too, I mean you probably knew that already" he said giving me his gummy smile. Yes. Yes I did know that already, I listen to your playlist on Spotify as if it was my religion.

"I really like the song 'The Don' by Nas".

"Whoa really I like that song too I have even have it on my Spotify playlist". Yes I know trust me I know.

"No way really? I'll check out your playlist then".

He smiled at me as we started making our way back to his house with the ice cream we bought at the convenience store.

When we finally got to the house he told me to go into his stupid room and wait for him there while he gets spoons and bowls. I nodded and tried to look for his room. I knew which one was Taehyung's room because I remember Y/N and Taehyung from this morning, Jungkook's is in the back because that's where I slept. I opened a door thinking it was Yoongi's studio but it ended up being Jimin's room, he didn't hear me open the fort but I saw him looking at the photo album and crying. Well I'm not feeling bad at all. I closed the door and continued looking for his room, but I think the sign saying 'Yoongi Genius Room' is it, i mean I'm no genius but I have a good feeling about it. I opened the door and sat on the black sofa he had in the room, and patiently waited for Yoongi to come. Not going to lie I feel really sleepy I didn't get much sleep, I gave Y/N a bath at 4:30am and then I went to look for Olive after I put Y/N to bed, then to change I probably went to bed at 6 am.  Then I was woken up by things being smashed, and Jungkook telling me that Olive is about to beat up Jimin at 1 pm I don't think I've gotten the right amount of sleep to be honest.

Yoongi came back with some bowls and spoons, he handed me a bowl and a spoon. We split the pint of once cream in half and started eating it. Yoongi went to go work on some songs while I just sat on the sofa and looked at him. He looks so beautiful while he's working, so concentrated. When I finished my pint of ice cream I put on the floor and continued to adore him from afar.

"Want to hear what I'm working on" he asked turning to me.

"Y-y-you want me to listen" I asked completely shocked. He nodded and motioned his hand to come to him. I slowly walked up to where he was and looked to see what he had on the screen. He place placed his headphones on my head and tapped the space bar. There weren't any words just beats, but it was lit. I slowly to bob my head up and and down going along with he music. He tapped the space bar again, and I took off the headphones.

"So.... What do you think" he asked.

"I dig it but maybe try this to put this beat instead" i started to tap my fingers in desk. He started to do the same thing with his fingers trying mimic the same beat I was doing.

"Ahh that would sound good too" he said writing it on a little notepad he had neat his computer. I smiled at him and started to walk back towards the sofa.

"Want to take a nap i think I worked enough today" he said. I nodded at him and i picked up our bowls and spoons, I headed to the kitchen sink while he went to the living room with a blanket. Once I placed the dishes in the sink and washed them I made my way to where Yoongi was and sat on the other side on the sofa.

"Yah, Why are you so far? Do I scare you that much" he asked.

"N-n-no I just didn't think you wanted me so close". He nothing his hand for me to come close to him and I did, I sat right next him and started dozing off. 

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