Chapter 6

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You started to tell him everything about your shitty love life, your family and how you felt when you first saw him it was as if it was different. You ranted about when he would post something on twitter you would try your hardest to be one of first ones to like it. When he was hearing your life story he comforted you when you needed it and he also admired how much you loved him. He also found it really cute how you loved him for who he was and not the fact that he was idol. That you wouldn't mind if he gave up the fame that you would go to farm with him and help because you loved him that much, and that fame meant nothing to you. You started telling him that about how you also grew up in a farm like environment and that he would have nothing to worry about because you knew the basics. He of course laughed because he thought you were joking but you were being completely serious.

When you finally got to your apartment you pushed in your code and went inside, he of course put you in bed and tucked you in. You told him that he could stay over at your apartment for the night. You had extra blankets in the closet, it was late and you didn't want him leaving late at night. He of course refused and said he had to get back to the dorm because he had early morning practice. You were of course stubborn and didn't want to let him go out so you told him, "I'll wake up extra early and make you breakfast if you stay". He looked at you with a would-you-really look and you nodded in agreement.
"Well I mean if you insist, i guess I'll stay" he said taking off his shoes and putting them close to door of your apartment. You got really happy and got up to get the blankets from your closet and started making him his bed.
"I'm sorry if I had an air mattress I would've totally gotten it out for you" you said kind of disappointed.
"No worries......... so your sleeping here right" he said.
"What" you looked at him kind of confused.
"Well I mean since I'm the guest I would assume that you would lend me your bed" he said jokingly but you didn't get the hint.
"Oh yes of course I'm sorry" you replied back to him.
"Okay cool well I'm going to wash up okay" he said to you. You nodded in agreement and proceeded to making the bed.

A few minutes later Taehyung got out of the restroom and made his back back your room, only to find you passed out on the floor.
"I thought she knew I was joking" he said in disbelief. He started feeling kind of bad and grabbed the pillow and blanket that you had on your bed and laid down next to where you were sleeping. He looked at you and was admiring all of your features, he liked how cute you looked when you were asleep. He realized that he was staring at you for a long time till he started blushing, he kissed your forehead before rolled on to other side so that he could fall asleep.

You heard a bleeping sound and reached for your phone that was next to you to turn off the alarm. You slowly started waking up and realize the something was around your waist. You were on your side and slowly started to turn around only to find Taehyung hugging your waist. You turned red from blushing so hard, and you admired the way he slept, he looked even more like an angel than what he already did. After admiring him for a while you got up and freshened up to prepare breakfast for him like you had promised.

"What should I make him? Like what does he even like to eat? I don't want to make him something he doesn't like" you said to yourself. After thinking for a while you decided to make something simple which was rice, eggs and coffee. You started cleaning up the kitchen and wait for him to wake up on his own accord.

You had just finished washing the dishes and putting them up when you decided to get out bowls, plates, cups, and chopsticks. You wanted to set the table before he woke up till you heard, "good morning, do you need help".
His morning voice was so sexy you just wanted him to keep talking.
"Umm no i got it, take a seat I'll get your food" you told him.
"Okay" he took a seat on the breakfast table was just staring you while you were setting the table.
"Would you like coffee, juice or water" you asked him.
"Coffee please" he responded back.
"Coffee it is *smiles* just to let you know I make the best coffee in my family" you said to him.
"Oh really? Well I'll be the judge to that" he said smiling at you. You poured him and you a cup of coffee and waited for him to try your coffee.
"Thank you" he said. He grabbed the coffee mug and started drinking it. You were looking at his face to see what his facial expressions were. His eyes opened wide and he looked at you saying, "I'm not going to lie but this is actually really good coffee, what did you put in it? Did you mix it with something?"
"It's a secret" you said to him smiling then taking a slip.
"I won't tell anymore I promise" he said.
"Nope you're not going to get the secret out of me okay" you said. He smiled and started eating the breakfast you prepared for him.

*time skip*

"Thank you so much for the food and coffee Y/N, it was delicious" he said to you.
"Anytime" you smiled at him.
"Well I have to go to practice now, I'll message you later okay" he said to you as he was putting on his shoes.
"Okay be safe and stay hydrated" you said to him.
"I will" He was walking out the door till he turned around and looked at you and said, "you know we should do this again sometime it was a lot of fun *smiles* Okay bye" and runs out the door. After he left you just stood at at the same spot for a while in shock that he had actually told you that. You started smiling and was on cloud 9 for the rest of day.

You started cleaning up around your apartment and looked over your lesson plans for the school year because, school was almost about to start. While you were reviewing your lesson plans you started to miss you best friend Renae. You look at the time 7:30 am "with the hour behind it's like what 4:30 pm? She's probably busy" and with that thought your phone started to ring.

*phone ringing*

Y/N: hello?
Renae: yo yo yo what's good homes
Y/N: homes? Really out of everything you choose homes?
Renae: either you love me or hate me, can't do both and we both know you love me.
Y/N: true any who whats up?
Renae: well I called because I miss my best friend and I wanted to tell you important stuff that been happening. Also I'm curious about you and Taehyung. Has the relationship improved?
Y/N: funny story i actually got really drunk last night and he brought me home an-
Renae: wait what? I don't think I heard you correctly. Did you just say you got drunk last night?
Y/N: yes i got drunk I even passed out at the bar.
Renae: oh my god korea has changed you!? Anywho what happened?
Y/N: well my co workers thought he was my boyfriend and called him to come get me because they had no idea where I lived.
Renae: shut Up!? And did he got get you?
Y/N: yes! He gave me a piggyback ride from the bar to my apartment.
Renae: awe how sweet, I hope you didn't say anything dumb...... PLEASE TELL ME YOU DIDNT CRY YOU HAVE A HABIT OF DOING THAT!!
Y/N:............I did cry......
Renae: YOU WANT!? BISH!?! what did he do or even say.
Y/N: he just comforted me and he told me to tell him about how I fell in love with him so I st-
Renae:you gave him your life story didn't you,
Y/N: yes.....
Renae: note to self make sure to hit you when I move over there
Y/N: I'm guessing you don't want to hear anymore of it right...
Renae: yup, well let me tell you something amazing!!
Y/N: what is it?
Renae: I finally finished my hours! I'm applying to a lot schools in Seoul!
Y/N: no way! I'm so excited we can go out together and stuff
Renae: and get really drunk!
Y/N: you need to cool it with the drinking Renae like seriously *laughs*
Renae: yea yea yea whatever, well I have to go I have to go out ya know *laughs* I'll message you later love you! Say hi to Taehyung for me
Y/N: love you too and no stay in your lane *laughs*

*phone call ends*

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