Chapter 17

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y/N POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I saw Olive start crying and Jungkook tried comforting her, Renae looked like she was about to start fighting Jimin.

"Then you wonder why no one loves you" Olive said under her breathe.

"Are you kidding? I can any girl I want at the snap of my fingers, news flash sweetie your not all that hot anyways" Jimin said staring at Olive.

"You don't have to be mean to her hyung, she's being honest" Jungkook said.

"Jungkook be careful you might catch the 'stupid' I hear it's spreading fast" Jimin said looking at Olive.

Olive looked up to Jimin and said, "just so you know I only pretended to be stupid so I could stoop down to your level of intelligence, but your right stay away Jungkook. I think Jimin has a bad case of it. And from the looks of it, it's uncreable".

Jungkook hugged Olive and continued to comfort her. Jimin was starting to walks towards them but Renae stopped him.

"Don't mess with her Jimin, I'm warning you" Renae said.

"Move Renae. Unless you wanna start a fight" Jimin said.

"Then I guess were about to fight them" Renae said rolling up her selves. The two started walking towards eachother, I tried to stop them but someone got to them before me.

"If you hit her Jimin all bets are off" Yoongi said opening the door. Jimin stopped in tracks and looked at Renae, Olive and Jungkook before heading back to his room.

"Renae" Yoongi said.

"Y-y-yes" Renae said.

"I think we said we were going on date today right?"

"You said ice cream"

"Same thing let's go" Yoongi said walking towards her and grabbing her arm. Renae looked back at me and started smiling and blushing. I gave her a big thumbs up as she walked out the door.

"Olive sweetie you okay" jungkook said to her. She nodded.

"Can you please get me out of these clothes" she said looking up to him. He nodded and picked her up bridal style and carried her to his room.

"They look cute together" Taehyung said.

"You think everyone looks cute together" I said smacking him.

"No I think we look amazing together" he said as he wrapped his arms around me. "Want to go get that soup I promised". I nodded and went back to his room to change.

Since it was 4 o'clock Tae had to wear a mask so people wouldn't know it was him. We exited the house and went to the closest restaurant that was near his apartment. It was getting dark fast, and for some reason I felt that I had to worry less.

We walked into the restaurant and sat down, started ordering food and acted cute to each other. The waitress came back with our drinks and started flirting with Taehyung, I just looked up to the girl and smiled saying, "if your going to flirt with my boyfriend do it when I'm not here, but then again I don't think he'll flirt with you to begin with". I grabbed my drink, started drinking it and looked out the window. I heard Taehyung laugh, then then waitress's footsteps fading away.

"My girlfriend gets so jealous" he said laughing.

"If I remember correctly you get jealous too sweetie" I said smiling at him.

"Hey stop it" he said whinnying.

Our food arrived had arrived and Taehyung had taken off his mask so that he could eat, no one was in the restaurant so I didn't worry. We were so busy eating and talking we didn't notice the waitress statin at Taehyung.

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