Chapter 21

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*a few months later*


Once Taehyung and I came out about our relationship, some fans were supportive and other not so much, and those were the ones that I needed to look out for.


Renae and I had just finished eating dinner and we were on our way to my apartment to meet up with Olive. We stopped by a convenient store to buy snacks for our girls night. This time we were not going to club because we didn't want a repeat of what happened the last time and the boys told us that it wasn't the best idea. To Renae's dismay, she was pissed, so of course I bought her alcohol so she could be happy and so she could not bug me.

"Is Olive bring over chicken from her job" Renae asked.

"Ummm I think so.... wait— dude you just ate"

"I know......... I'm hungry thou"

"Oh my gosh, you text her and tell her to bring chicken"

"Hell yea"

I stared to put away the stuff we bought at the convenient store and we both waited for Renae to come over.

*a few hours later*

*knock knock*

"I think my chicken is here" Renae screamed happily.

"No it's Olive and she brought you chicken"

"Same thing"

I laughed and went to welcome Olive into my apartment.

"Hey Olive" I said.

"Did you bring the chicken" Renae asked

"Omg hi Renae how are you? I've been good thank you for asking" Olive said jokingly.

"You know you don't have to be sassy with me, I just asked a simple question, and I was going to ask but now I dont need to so I'll be taking the chicken, thank you" Renae replies as she gets the chicken from Olive while I'm laughing.

"Hey Y/N I don't know if you know this but there are like fans outside trying to find out where you live" Olive said.

"Wait what" I replied.

"Yea they asked me if I've seen you around here and I obviously told them no that I've never seen you around here and they nodded and went on their way".

"You lying Olive there is no way in hecks they know where I live or this place"

"No I'm being completely serious, remember that photo of Taehyung holding your hand when you were leaving from your apartment. Well people are honestly looking for it. I'm not lying you can go an check".

I was obviously scared, how did they even manage to find my apartment? Like aren't there a lot that look like the one I'm living at? Like how but then again that's hella talent if they found out where I lived.

"How the heck am I suppose to go on a run now" I said thinking out loud.

"Maybe take Renae with you" Olive said.

Renae chocked on the chicken she was eating and looked at us, "I'm sorry did I hear work out  and my name in the same sentence" she asked. Olive and I looked at each other and started laughing.

"It was just a suggestion don't freak out" Olive said laughing.

We had our girls night and Olive was asking for advice about Jungkook and what she should do about Jimin. We told what we thought was best but she just kept nodding her head.

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