Chapter 11

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   You woke up early for work since you wanted to look good, you wanted to take the advice Renae gave you and maybe start talking to other people. You went on your morning run and felt accomplished because you ran an extra mile than what you normally do. You took a shower and started making breakfast, you weren't sure if Taehyung was going to come for breakfast so you decided to text him:

To: 태형
    Good morning, are you coming over for breakfast today?

You put your phone done and started making coffee. You put water in the coffee pot, then the filter and finally the Starbucks coffee you bought a few days ago. Then your phone vibrated:

From: 태형
    I'm sending you a surprise. Bye.

'Surprise?' You thought to yourself. You put your phone down and started getting dressed. Today you were wearing light wash skinny jeans and with white button up shirt. You decided to do light curls and make up. Once you finished your look, you went to the mirror for a final approval and was satisfied.

You headed back into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Since Taehyung always eats eggs with you, you wanted to make something different for him, since he was coming with a surprise. You started blushing at the thought of what the surprise could be until you heard a knock on your door. You quickly went to the door expecting it to be Taehyung but that changed you when you saw a blonde boy outside your door.

"GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL" Jimin said with a wide smile.

"Hey Jimin" you said back. You were happy that he was here but you wanted to see Taehyung, you put your head down because you were a little upset.

"Taehyung told me to come and eat breakfast with you from now on, he said that eating you in the morning was a bother" Jimin said in low voice. You looked up at Jimin in complete shock.

"He said that" you asked.

"I wouldn't make this up Y/N... I'm really sorry but if you don't mind I'll come everyday, and you won't be a bother" Jimin said trying to make you feel better.

You nodded you head, "Thank you Jimin, please come in".

Jimin came inside, took off his shoes and entered your apartment. He started looking around and liked how cute your apartment is.

"You have a cute home Y/N" Jimin said.

"Thank you Jimin" you said smiling. "What would you like for breakfast I wasn't sure on what to make today" you asked him.

"I'll eat anything Y/N, as long as your the one who makes it" he said.

You started blushing and replied with, "Well eggs and toast it is".

"Yaaaah how did you know that's my favorite? Do you perhaps stalk me" he said smiling.

"Oh yes Jimin, I'm always stalking you" you said laughing.

"Ahh I knew it" he said.

You started cooking the eggs and making toast, Jimin poured himself a cup of coffee and really liked it. So much that he had two, he would have more but he said that he wanted to go back to sleep when he gets home.

"Breakfast is served" you said happily.

"Waaah it looks and smells delicious Y/N" Jimin said happily. You both started eating and talking.

Once you both were finished, Jimin decided to help you clean up so that way you can come home to a clean house. After you both cleaned up, you started putting on your coat and got your backpack filled with lesson plans. Jimin helped you tie your shoes since you couldn't blend down because of the backpack, well you could've but he insisted that he'll tie them for you. You thought that it was really sweet of him do something like that, since that has never happened to you but you've seen it happen to other people, you always wanted it happen to you.

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