Chapter 10

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  Jimin walked you back home, but on the way you stopped for snacks since you were a little hungry. Jimin was really sweet he noticed of much of a klutz you are, so he made sure to look out for you.

  You were walking side by side laughing until you tripped on your own foot. Jimin tried to catch you but you ended up being him down with you.

"Owwie" you said.

"Atleast you fell on me and not the ground" he said and painfully laughing. "I didn't want you to hurt your pretty face".

You started blushing really hard, then you noticed how close you and Jimin were. Which made you blush even more, you quickly got off him and helped him up.

"I'm so sorry Jimin, I'm such a klutz, I'll be careful from now on" you said.

"Actually I kinda like the idea of you maybe 'falling for me'" he said laughing. You just looked at him and started giggling.

"Too cheesy?" He asked.

"Just a tad" you said laughing.

"Well it was worth it, just to make you laugh" he said smiling. You liked it when Jimin smiled. His smiled made you feel really warm inside. The both of you continued on your back to your apartment.

    *5 minutes later*

"Well we made it" Jimin said.

"Thank you for walking me back him Jimin. You really didn't have too" you said.

"Well I wanted too, anyways I still want to talk to you so I was kind of hoping that we could exchange KakaoIDs".

You nodded and gave your phone to each other so you could input your IDs.

"Well Y/N it was nice talking to you and walking you home we should do this again sometime" he said and smiled.

"I think we should" you replied.

He watched you walk into your apartment complex waving you off, then he started walking back to his apartment.

*15 mins —— JIMIN POV———*

I thought about Y/N all the way home and cute she is, i really wanted to get closer to her. I opened up the apartment door and was greeted by my friend eating my pizza. MY PIZZA! I payed and ordered that, who is he to eat my food!?

"Where have you been" Taehyung said.

"I walked Y/N home..... and why are you eating food that doesn't belong to you" I replied taking off my shoes.

"It doesn't take that long... I would know also when you left a pizza guy came and delivered it" Taehyung said.

I was mad at Taehyung eating my pizza but Y/N's cute face popped into my head, "Well I took her around, kinda like a date" I started blushing thinking about how cute she looked.

"Oh so now you fell for her? What happened to Olive? She was here literally 2 days ago" Taehyung said, he was super pissed.

"Olive? Olive? Olive? Doesn't ring a bell" I said.

"You can't talk to Y/N" he said.

"And why not? Last time I checked she's single and you said you guys were just friends" I said.

"We are friends, and she is single, but I just don't want you around her" he said.

"Well you should've walked her home instead of me, because she took you advice. I got her KakaoID and were planning to go out sometime you know on a date" I said.

Taehyung was quiet for a while, his fist were balled up and I could see that he was super pissed, but in my defense he didn't claim her. He never said, 'don't go after her' so it's a free game.

"You know what....... take her I really don't even care about her. Do what you want" he said and walked to his room with my damn box of pizza.


I went to my room with a slice of pizza and started to text Y/N because i missed her. She's different from the other girls, and I like that. I wanted to put her name under something cute on my phone but i didn't know what, then I got a brilliant idea. She responded fast.

Kitten 🐱💕: hello sunbaenim {^~^}

Me: I told you to call me oppa (-.-)

Kitten 🐱 💕: sunbaenim {^~^}

Me: go to sleep (-.-) and wake up tomorrow call me oppa.... okay? 🙃

Kitten 🐱 💕: okay goodnight...... oppa

Me: YAH! Y/N

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