Chapter Three

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{ Authors Note - I'm changing the tenses / narrative of this story guys sorryyy I kept getting confused with what I was writing paha x }

Declan. Declan Benedict McKenna. That's what he told me his name was in our third philosophy and ethics class.

*time change to third philosophy and ethics class*

It was the middle of the class, the late guy wasn't too late this time, but still got a lecture from our teacher about punctuality.

"You're new" he said turning his head to fully face mine.

"ReAlly? I said with a tang of sarcasm as I raised my eyebrows making a surprised expression.

He rolled his eyes and smirked "I'm Declan, Declan Benedict McKenna, known as the late kid to you I suppose"

he's a fucking mind reader  I thought to myself

Blushing, I replied "uh... yeah. Pretty much"  with a little giggle.

"I'm Y/N, Y/F/N." I said with an eye to eye smile to Declan.

ahhhh his chocolate eyes...

"hmmm... You're my first Y/N" he said raising his eyeline higher in thought.

"I shall take pride in being unique?" I asked with a smirk

"You shall" he said confidently with a nod.

We continued our work.

*Time Shift back*

23:55 - as I laid down my heavy head, and cuddled my teddy bear, a flutter of happiness rushed inside me. Sure, it was a near to meaningless name exchange, but it made me happy. I love happy me, cause sometimes unhappy me gets too much to cope with.

Slumber x

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