Chapter Seventeen

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*Your POV*
Me and Dec rushed upstairs and Dec showed me the spare bedroom. It was big. It had a drum kit, a few guitars and a piano in it, with a large double bed with deep purple curtains hanging from the ceiling over it. It was such a pretty and aesthetically pleasing room.

We were both so tired. Declan used his last bit of energy to dive bomb onto the bed, which made us both laugh. I walked over to the other side of the bed and lay next to him. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. He winked and I slapped his thigh in false annoyance.
"Ow!" He shoved me a little bit and we laughed, the drunkness wearing off.
"I need a t-shirt to sleep in" I said looking round the room.
"I'll borrow one from Gabz" I said again getting up and out the room.
I ran downstairs and found Gabi and Mikayla peacefully asleep in each other's arms, it was so cute and made me "awww" outloud, not loud enough to wake them though.
I got my phone out from my back pocket and took a photo.
I ran back upstairs and into the bedroom.
Declan was cuddled up under the covers, collar bones upwards peeping out.
"God you look cute"  I said under my breath.
He heard me and laughed lightly, putting his head under the cover slightly.
"Gabi and Mikayla are asleep and I don't wanna wake them just for a t-shirt" I said.
He looked at me kinda clueless as to what to say next.
"I can sleep without one." I said now pulling my jeans off and my fishnets.
Declan watched me and smiled sweetly.
I noticed I was wearing Winnie the Pooh pants and laughed
"Dec look Winnie the Pooh!" I wasn't completely sober.
He laughed at my excitement.
I took my Bowie top off and was left in my underwear. Declan bit his lip ever so slightly. I walked towards the light switch and turned the main light off.

I slipped under the covers and led on my side to face Dec. I now noticed there were fairy lights all cover the room, making it a light enough to see each other a bit. We didn't say a word for a while, but we were close and our breathing was in sync.
"Why don't you think you're pretty?" He asked
I laughed a little "cause I'm not?"
"You ar-" I cut him off.
"Declan, I've been told my whole life that I'm not. I'm not beautiful or pretty or anything. There's nothing worthy of me, and I truly believe in that". The sad drunk in me came out.
"They're lying." He cuddled me into his chest.
"They're absolute bullshitters and they can go to hell." He started to get a little frustrated.
"Shhhh" I said, kissing his chest, up his collar bones, neck and finally his lips.
He kissed softly back and we slipped under the covers, making out. His hands figured round my waist and my hands messed his hair.

He pulled away.
"Y/n" he paused.
"I think I love you... like a lot"
I didn't know what to say.
"The feelings mutual Dec. Very mutual" I replied, kissing him quickly again.
We both smiled as we pulled away.
We began to fall asleep. My head cuddled into his chest, his arm around me. He was playing with my hair, satisfying me so much, he knew exactly what to do to make me feel amazing.
I was nearly asleep when I heard
"Goodnight, wet wipe" from Declan softly, squeezing me tightly into him and kissing my head.
"Goodnight, wet wipe" I replied, snuggling closer and smiling as i drifted, deep into a peaceful sleep, next to Declan. My favourite.

You Pour My Heart Away • Declan McKennaWhere stories live. Discover now