Chapter Fourteen

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I was awoken by the alarm I had set, 9:30. I was lying there for a while, smiling, scrolling through my instagram feed and soaking in the little bit of late September sunlight that was pushing rays onto my bed through my window. I looked over to my outfit and rolled out of my bed to put it on, it hugged my figure in the correct places and gave me confidence.

I did my makeup, red eyeshadow to match my top and docs, everything else neutral and natural, and my hair was down and flowing. I sat and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I didn't hate myself anymore, but I could only focus on my flaws. I discarded my negative thoughts, I didn't want to have a bad energy for Declan.

10:30, an hour to go. I was already ready, but I was so nervous and excited for the day ahead of me.

I received a text from Gabi. 

You're defo okay to meet people today? xx

Ya all good - how many of us? xx  I replied.

Quite a few. There's Oliver, Callum, Harry, George, Joe, Isabel, Sofia, Will, Nathan, Mikayla, and Hannah. We're a big squad but we're all lovely - you'll be ok xx

I sighed. That was a lot of people for me to cope with, but my confidence grew when i thought about Declan and Gabi being there with me. 

Ok cool. It's gon be good. See you laterrrxxx I replied.

I sat on my bed and scrolled through instagram and snapchat and played a few games to pass the time. I then went downstairs and shoved 2 brioches into my mouth, with a swig of orange juice. I winced at the strength of it. 

Declan's name lit up my phone. 

11:19 - On the way. Be readyyyyy x

11 mins. I rushed upstairs and brushed my teeth and then I put my denim jacket on. I looked myself up and down in the mirror and straightened my outfit out. I grabbed my purse, keys and phone and ran back downstairs and stepped out my front door. I jumped onto a wall that was close to my house and sat down, ready for Declan to find me. 

11:26, with 4 minutes left to spare I decided to plug my earphones in and listen to something. I put my playlist on shuffle. 

Madiba Riddim - Drake 

played loudly in my ears, the joyful melody and backing drums clouding in my mind. I must've got too lost in the music and closed my eyes whilst my legs were swinging down to the beat because i felt someone tugging at my left leg. It was Declan. 

"Well hello y/n" He said, looking up at me grinning, his voice breaking on the "hello".

"Bonjour Declan. You found me then." I said joyfully, taking my earphones out.

"Well it wasn't very hard y/n. You're wearing bright red docs for fucks sake, I could've spotted you from a mile away" he gestured his hand out to help me down, just like before, and I took it this time, raising my eyebrows, keeping eye contact to prove the point that I was taking his assistance. 

I dropped gracefully and he didn't let go of my hand as we started to walk towards the town centre. I couldn't help but match the colour of my eyeshadow and smile, I noticed he was the same. 

He stopped walking and pulled slightly away from me, scanning his eyes up and down me. I gave him a questioning look. 

"Denim on denim. I'm surprised you can pull it off. I do it sometimes, but I often feel odd y'know" He said now walking and holding my hand tight. 

"Thank you, I never really thought about it that way. I said smiling up at him. 

"Well you look really good." He said pushing his shoulder next to mine, having to bend down ever so slightly. 

"As do you, Dec" I smiled some more, noticing how calm he was even when we were walking at quite a fast pace. 

We wondered around town, hand in hand and it was wonderful. We laughed a lot, especially at pigeons, for some reason Declan started to really notice how they walked and what they did, and he laughed and laughed, just because he thought they were so funny and entertaining, which made me laugh too, his joy always made me feel joyous inside also. 

He showed me the only vegan cafe in town, owned by 3 lovely Spanish ladies. They greeted him like an old friend when we came in and it automatically felt very homely and welcoming. 

"Mi chica y/n!" He said, presenting me in the most thick english accent I'd ever heard, which made the three ladies and I giggled. 

We shared a vegan brownie and had a vegan hot chocolate each, sitting next to the window. We both got crumbs everywhere, and let out a little laugh when we had noticed the mess we had made. 

"Oh dear dear Declan" The oldest lady (around 36) came round and wiped our table clean for us, shaking her head in sarcastic disappointment as she walked away.

"You are naughty and messy" She said laughing. 

"Sorryyyy Mayaaa" Declan called after her. 

Declan checked his phone and gasped 


"What?" I said 

"It's 20 past 2" He said almost laughing, showing me his phone. It was blown up with text messages from Gabi and Oli asking him where we were. I checked mine, it was also the same, just from Gabi.

"Ah. Shit." I let out a small giggle.

We sat there replying to the texts, Declan called Gabi and explained that we just "lost track of time", which was technically true. We said we'd be there as soon as possible... but that was kind of a lie. 

"You distract me too much, you do" he said fiddling with a stand of my hair, eyes concentrated on it, leaning forwards, his head cupped in his spare hand. 

I grabbed his hand down onto the table fast and kissed him. Both our worlds stopped for just that small moment. Our first kiss.

We pulled away and smiled sheepishly at each other. We put our coats on and Declan yelled "Gracias" towards the direction of where the three ladies were, but it came out in such an english voice, it was basically just "Grassy Arse", and he was well aware of this and he giggled loads as we left. 

"Do you like my Spanish, y/n?"  

"Fantastico" I said nodding, putting on my best Spanish accent. 

"Brilliante" He said, now trying to make a Spanish accent.

I grabbed Declan's hand as we made our way to the bus station to get a bus up to the woods, we were keeping the "squad" waiting.

Our bus ride was so comfortable. I leaned on his shoulder the whole way, his hand was placed softly on my thigh, which he traced his fingers over, following the rips of my jeans, swirling patterns on my skin with his index finger and thumb. He hummed into me and made my whole body fill with noise, especially when he hit bass notes.

The bus pulled up at the top of the hill at a desolate stop, and Dec and I reluctantly moved out of our seats and off the bus, into the woods to find where the others were. 

"You okay?" He asked, looking at me.

"Yeah, new people, nerves - it's cool" I said brushing off the anxiety starting to rush through me. 

"Alright, stick next to me if you feel worse" He kissed me lightly on the cheek, and now I had butterflies for a whole different reason. 

You Pour My Heart Away • Declan McKennaWhere stories live. Discover now