Chapter Eighteen

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I awoke and groaned a little. My head was banging.
I noticed I had soft arms wrapped around me and I looked up to see Declan peacefully asleep. He looked like a grumpy child, eyebrows furrowed and lips slightly pouted.
"Deccc" I cooed.
"Hmm mmm" he replied, just about opening his eyes.
He unwrapped his arms from me and stretched.
He reached over to a bedside table and passed me my phone, he knew exactly what I wanted. He had his as well.
It was only 9:30, but my phone had uncountable notifications. All from my parents, again.
"Fuck..." I mumbled under my breath. I didn't tell them that I wasn't coming home. I only told them I was okay. They're so over protective my ass was dead.
"What's wrong?" Declan asked, concerned.
"My parents are actually going to shank me. I didn't tell them I was staying at a friends overnight and they're the most over protective people ever" I nearly began to cry. I'd done this before and they nearly sent me to live "somewhere else" - I never found out where that was.
"Hey it's okay. What's the worst they're gonna do y/n? It's okay" he comforted me.
I called my mum. She was mad. She even began to cry herself. I apologised over and over but nothing would console her. She started to get enraged again and we argued. I admit I said some horrid things, but she was being so irrational and stupid. Declan kinda stared as I shouted down the phone. He bit his nails in slight anxiety. In the end I just hung up on my mothers bullshit. I wasn't going home anytime soon. I didn't care where I went, as long as it wasn't home.

"What the fuck just happened y/n" Declan asked.
"Well basically I'm not going home for a while." I shrugged. I pretended I didn't care that much but I'd later know I did.
"Well where are you going to go? Y/n this really isn't practical. What are you doing? Seriously. This is hard stuff" he sounded stressed and concerned.
"Dec it's fine. I'll sort it out." I brushed everything off.

I scrolled through my Instagram feed and searched everyone up. I surprisingly still hadn't followed Declan or Gabi, so I requested them first and then I found the others.
I dropped my phone out of my hand in frustration.
"Fuck. My. Life" I looked up to the ceiling and sighed.
"Y/n it's fine. You haven't made any decisions yet."
"Well there's no point trying to be accepted by them again. They won't. I know they won't." I said, coming to terms with it.
"Let's go and make some breakfast then. Gabi should have some avocado."
He took my hand and pulled me up out of bed. We walked down the stairs and Mikayla and Gabi were flipping pancakes in the kitchen listening to some 80s song. We walked in and greeted them.
"Pancakes! The perfect hangover cure!" Mikayla said brightly. She was so sweet.
"Vegan?" Declan asked.
"No... sorry" she said.
"It's fine haha - Gabz you have avocado right?" he wandered over to a fruit and vegetable bowl.  "Of course" she replied.

Dec and I made avocado on toast and we all sat down and ate our food.

"Y/n? You alright hun?" Mikayla asked. She must've been able to tell that I wasn't right. I have easy giveaways and habits when I'm stressed, she obviously picked up on that.

"kinda... no. not really." I sighed.

"It's fine, or it will be. It doesn't matter anyway. Everything's cool." I changed my tone of voice to the more happy and optimistic version of myself. I was acting.

"Well if you need to stay anywhere or need support and shit, we basically own this place so come stay in our spare bedroom."

"How the fuck do you own this place? We're only 16?!" I was really confused.

"Nah nah basically Gabi's dad bought this place, but he goes on really long work trips and stuff so we literally have the house to ourselves - most of the time." Mikayla explained.

You Pour My Heart Away • Declan McKennaWhere stories live. Discover now