Chapter Five

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*Your P.O.V*

I met up with Gabi before school at the school gates, just 10 minutes early so we could have a little natter. I managed to get her number and Declan's.
Luckily I had philosophy and ethics first so I could look at Declan and chat to him and Gabi the whole time - it turns out they're in a band together! Well I say band - they didn't actually say that, but they play.

*time change to end of school day*
I got on the bus and sat by myself. A bunch of year 7s were playing with their Nintendo switches and it was pissing me off. So I checked my phone, and remembered I had Declan's number.

15:18 - Heya Dec it's Y\N - Gabi gave me your number :)

I hesitated whether to put a kiss or not so I just left it at a smiley face.
I pressed send.
As the bus stopped at my stop, (about 13 minutes from my house) I said a brief thank you to the bus driver and hopped off.
"Are you in my year?" Said a black haired, average height boy.
"Uh what year are you in?" I said
"12" he said staring his cold dark eyes into mine as we walked away from the bus.
"Oh yeah I am - I'm new" I said giving a little smile.
"Well b0njourrrrrrrrr gem APPLE Steven" he said crazily, laughing about his remark as he crashed into my side with laughter.
"Gem Apple Y/N?" I laughed and he turned off round a corner and gave a big wave with his whole arm.
Strange child I thought to myself with a little giggle as I continued my walk home.
23:55 - Declan still hadn't answered... 
maybe he doesn't care I thought as I closed my eyes and hugged my teddy. Slumber x

"Fuck! FUCK FUCK!!" I screamed startled. I squinted at the brightness of my phone and slowly read
03:45 - Heyyy y/n - I hope I didn't wake your resting mind sorry it's late :)
For fucks sake Declannnnnnn I thought to myself.
Why was he awake at quarter to FOUR in the morning?? I a questioned.
03:48 - Well done you wet wipe you woke me up - why are you awake anyway? Go to sleepsss :))
I turned over and snuggled into myself in my warm duvet. I couldn't wait to see his face in the morning. We had a free period first so maybe I could find him.
3:55 - slumber x

You Pour My Heart Away • Declan McKennaWhere stories live. Discover now