Chapter Twenty - Three

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I was uneasy, to say the least. I wanted Dec, bad, but after we had left the house and got on the bus to mine, I couldn't help but think about Mia. I knew I should've let it go, it was ages ago, but she bothered me, a lot. I could see him out of the corner of my eye looking at me when we were on the bus, appreciating me I guess, but I didn't want to look back at him, for all I could see when I saw him was Mia, and him, together. It didn't help that I was going to see my parents, who I assumed were still mad at me since I hadn't contacted them at all, but neither had they contacted me, so I wasn't too bothered about that. I thought about what I was going to say. I wondered if I should be apologetic? Should I be angry and aggressive? Upset and lost? I thought which one would get me further. But what did I really want? I loved staying with Gabi and Mikayla and having Dec with me and stuff, it was great, I'd only been there for a few days but I definitely felt at home with them, I felt independent, for once. But I missed my home life a little, not a whole lot, but a little. It was normality.

So the bus pulled up and we walked to my house in silence. Dec and Gab beside me either side. We got to the door and I didn't know whether to knock or to just use my keys.

I used my keys. They clicked the lock open and we entered; me, then Declan, then Gabi. I walked into the doorway of the living room to find my parents sat, quite comfortably, on the sofa, reading and listening to the radio, radio one to be exact, which confused me since they're not into it. I noticed a half empty bottle of Smirnoff, next to it a small empty Jack Daniels bottle, on its side. I looked at Dec and Gabi confused. My parents weren't big drinkers.

"Mum... Dad..." I managed to say.

"Ohhh Y/n! How are you I haven't seen you for days!" My mum got up and ran to me, wobbling. I backed away and crashed into Declan. Gabi looked at me wide eyed and looked kinda scared.

"Aha mum, mum stop" I said pushing her lightly away from me.

"Come in! You guys! Come in too!" She said to Declan and Gabi.

We walked in awkwardly and all piled onto the sofa next to my Dad.

"Y/n" he said slurred but serious.

"You've, you've been away haven't you"

"Yeah" I said in a low tone.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"I've stayed at a friends... Gabi" I kinda pointed at Gab with my hand.

"And you've been okay?" He asked.

"Yes, perfect." I replied plainly.

"Very well" I wondered why he was speaking so posh but I guess it was the drink or something.

"Y/n? Do you want any snacks? You guys?" She looked at Dec and Gabi, they looked kinda terrified and to be honest I was too.

"No thank you" Gabi said.

This was so weird. We stayed silent for about 3 minutes until I broke it.

"Uh Mum, Dad, I came here to work everything out from the last time I spoke to you... on the phone" I said.

"Mmm." My mum said, probably remembering everything I had said to her in that phone call.

You Pour My Heart Away • Declan McKennaWhere stories live. Discover now