Chapter Thirteen

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Y/N - Me n Dec and a few friends from Chayesfield are going exploring out in the woods by school on Saturday/Sunday - you wanna come with us? Xx

I received a text from Gabi. I wasn't too sure whether to go or not, but I thought I should, if they're friends with Gabi and Declan they must be nice right?

Yeah I'll come along! What time and where? Xx

I sent a text back. I think it should be fine.

It was Friday night, and I was mentally preparing myself for the next two days. It was literally just going out 'exploring' with Declan and Gabi and (meeting) a few nice people, how bad could it be?
So I put my music on shuffle and danced around my room to relieve myself of stress, I must've looked pretty stupid, but it helped. I sang loud and hard since no one was in and it felt like a good sense of relief.
Bzzzzzzzm bzzzzzzzzzzm bzzzzzzzzm
My phone started ringing as a good song ended.
Declan :)

Shit shit shit.

"Hey Declan." I said trying my best to sound cool, calm and casual.

"Hi Y/N. I just wanted to ask, are you coming out tomorrow with me n Gabz and some other friends?" He asked breathing fast.

"Yeah yeah - why?" I asked.

"Oh... I... uh... Do you want to meet before we all meet at the woods?" He stumbled and rushed the question

"Just us?" I couldn't help but grin.

"Yes. If you're okay with that." He laughed at the end of his sentence.

"Is 11:30 okay? - we're all meeting at 2" He had it all planned out.
"Sounds nice. Where?" I asked.

"I'm flexible... anywhere. I can come and meet you at yours if you want?" He was more calm now.

I told him my address and I could hear him scribbling it down, pen lid in mouth.

"Ohhhhhh! I know where that is Y/N!"

"Yeahhhhh well done" I laughed.

"Right well I'll see you tomorrowwwww" Elongating the "ow"

"See you Deccccccc"

The call ended and I sat on my bed, thinking about what I'd just set myself up for. I was happy. He wanted to see me! On my own! I squealed and ran over to my wardrobe. What to wear... Declan Declan Declan. I thought if we were going to the woods I should wear something practical, but still presentable. Especially for Declan.

I picked black ripped skinny jeans with fishnets underneath, a cropped red Bowie t-shirt, a black denim jacket and some red docs. I laid them out on my bed and smiled, I was satisfied. I folded them up and put them on the floor, next to my bed, ready for the morning. 


I looked at my phone.

22:08 - Oi wet wipe don't forget me tomorrow :) 

22:09 - Already forgot. Oops :)) 

22:11 - Go to sleep, you must be tired from all the excitement from the thought of seeing my beautiful face ;)

22:12 - Oh yeah t0TallY, sorry mum bedtime is it? 

22:13 - Ye go to sleep u sket, you won't wake uppppp :)

22:15 - Alright fineee. Nightt :) x

Fuck I sent a kiss ahhh is this okay shitttttt 

22:16 - Nighttt Y/N x :))

I smiled, and crawled into bed, my music still playing loudly. 

Toothbrush - DNCE                                                                                                                                                   Began to play and I had a little sit down boogie, singing along, not being able to reach all the notes. 

"Plaaaaaace" The song ended. I turned all the music off before a new song began and I hummed the of tune Toothbrush as I turned my lights off and crawled into bed. 

I can't wait for tomorrow. 

You Pour My Heart Away • Declan McKennaWhere stories live. Discover now