Chapter Twenty - One

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I put the phone to my ear.
"Heyy... is this Y/n?" the light and airy voice giggled down the phone. I heard other giggles and laughs in the background.


"Yeah... hi" I replied, unsure of how to act and wondering how she got my number.

The giggles continued and a wave of slight anxiety rushed over me.

"Hey Y/n, it's Mia. I just wanted to ask..." I heard her move away from the phone and tell whoever else was there to "Shut the hell up"

"I just wanted to ask, are you and uhm Dec McKenna a thing?" She asked, her voice slightly shaking when she said his name.

"Uhh..." I had no idea what to say and began to stress, why was she interested?

"So? Are you?" She demanded down the phone, nearly shouting despite still having a shake in her voice.

"I mean yeah... aha why?" I finally said.

There was a little silence but then her airy voice came back to the phone.

"... Oh! Ahahah I was just wondering... you know he's a bit weird right? Like I don't want to sabotage your relationship but like mmmm just watch out" She sounded sneaky and mean. I didn't believe her, of course but I went along with it.

"Oh wow really? In what way?" I acted surprised.

"Oh well... I don't want to like snake him out but like eughh" She made a gross noise and I heard the girlish sounding voices behind her chortle.

"Ah okay... I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. Thanks for the heads up" I said.

"No problem babes, just looking out for you. Oh and by the way, you're sick at drama. You go for it girl!" I heard the giggles again, cackling hyenas.

"Oh thanks Mia you too. See you tomorrow" I said insincerely and hung up before I could hear anymore of her bullshit.

So I went in and had girls night. It was fantastic and made me feel better however I couldn't stop thinking about Mia, and how she got my number, and why she was making up shit about Dec, I hoped she wasn't his ex, or she or one of her friends liked him or something but that's all I could draw a conclusion to.

"Guys" I interrupted a conversation about pringles.

"You know Mia? The one with the ginger hair?" I asked, I knew they'd all know her.

Everyone shared looks around at each other, the air becoming thick with overwhelming tension and I felt vulnerable for some reason, I felt like I was missing something, which was the case.

"Mia is, uh well, was Declan's "fuck buddy" for a bit last year" Gabi said, making inverted commas with her fingers on the "fuck buddy".

"Oh" I said blankly.

"Why?" Mikayla asked, concerned.

"Well she just phoned me up... she asked me if Dec and I are a thing, then proceeded to tell me that he was weird... like warning me? I don't even know how she got my number?" I explained.

"Bitch!" Sofia said.

"Did you hear anyone else there" Mikayla asked.

"Yeah, girls, giggling" I replied. Mikayla rolled her eyes at the thought of them,

"She's probably the biggest bitch and snake you could ever meet. Also, Y/n, Declan isn't weird or whatever she said, and I think you know that. I hate to say it, but if she's getting involved with you guys or even just him, it means she's not happy with something. Even though their weird fling thing was nearly a year ago, and she's fucked countless amounts of people since, she's a jealous little brat so she must've heard something about you two from someone, and is envious if you." Gabi said.

I just couldn't imagine them together, it was weird. She was so loud and boastful and self centred and he was just not. It didn't seem right.

"Okay. What do I do?" I asked everyone.

"I think you should talk to Declan about it" Hannah chimed in.

"Mmm I probably should... but what about Mia?"

"Don't let her get close to Declan, or let her friends talk to him, you need to stick by him. It's how she does it, gets her friends in and then gets herself in there. They're like her little minions, it's just mank." Gabi said, shaking her head in disgust.

If I stuck by him I'd become clingy and attached. I didn't want either of those to happen, but if I didn't, she could get close to him, but he wouldn't... would he?

"Okay thanks guys" I smiled at all of them and looked at the dark carpet.

So we did face masks and hair masks and everything was lovely. It gave me time to think things through a bit more, and I realised something in this time. Arthur would often leave Florian and I on our own in drama to talk to Mia. In fact he did it a lot, she would beckon him, he would go, like a slave. Arthur must've said something about Declan and I and given her my number since I gave it to him on the bus one morning. I told the others.

"But Arthur is so innocent and like nerdy" Gabi said.

"I know but she uses him I guess, I see it in drama. She'll call him over to talk to him, probably to steal and idea or to poke fun at him, and he will go, willingly. I mean he probably has a crush on her not gonna lie, who wouldn't." I said.

"Ugh she's so manipulative. Talk to Arthur about it too then Y/n" Gabi said.

"Yeah I think I will."

Everyone went home and it was Mikayla, Gabi and I left. I offered to make food.

"Guys I'll make dinner tonight, what do you want?"

"Ah thanks Y/n... can you just put those chicken pies in the oven for me n Gabz and we got a vegan quiche for you if you want" Mikayla said sweetly. I hated quiche but I cooked it for myself and I ate it for some reason, I just kinda felt sick from the thought of Dec and Mia, so nothing really tasted like anything.

We finished our meal and I was thanked.

"Gabi is it okay if I put some clothes in the drawers in uh well I guess my room?"

"Yeah of course haha make yourself at home do what you like" She grinned.

"Thank you" I replied.

"We'll do the washing up Y/n you cooked" Mikayla said.

"Thank you!"

"I'm gonna go up to bed now, night guys, love you" I blew them both kisses and exited the room.

I went upstairs to my room. I put some clothes from my suitcase into a sleek wooden bureau. I then sat at the desk in the corner and caught up on all my homework, without checking my phone once. I was proud of how productive I had been.

By that time it was 10:00pm, and the loneliness without Declan had caught up on me. I snapchatted him a cute picture of me on the massive bed, my hair around my face like a lions mane.

Dec the beds all empty :( can you come and fix it?

I got a reply within two minutes.

Soon... soon... soon baby

He replied with a selfie too, looking gorgeous as ever. I muttered "fuck" under my breath.

Not good enough m8

I replied, again with a selfie.

Miss you t00 sket

Message after message I soon fell asleep, but a subconscious part of me still felt alone in the bed without him. It was just me, curled into myself in the centre of the bed, solo.

You Pour My Heart Away • Declan McKennaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu