Chapter Twenty - Five

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I woke to loud joyous music, Declan dancing frantically to it which made me smile straight away. He had a toothbrush in his mouth, brushing and dancing.

"Ah baby you're awake!" He said and ran over to me. He leaned in to give me a kiss but soon remembered he was brushing his teeth which made us laugh.

"Oh yeah oops" he laughed.

He ran out the room into the bathroom and finished brushing his teeth. I checked the time 6:30am. He skipped back in.

"Why are you awake Dec?" I asked.

"Couldn't sleep" he answered plainly.

"Why are you listening to super happy music and dancing to it?" I laughed.

He shrugged. "Dunno. I just kinda realised how happy I am, especially with you." He said continuing to dance.

"You're so weird Dec." I said smiling at him. I cuddled back into my duvet and falling back asleep, playing close attention to the steadiness of the beat of the song that was playing.

When I awoke again it was 7:00. I felt quite tired but it was fine, normal I guess. Dec wasn't in the room anymore but the music was still playing. I shrugged and got ready. I was ready quickly and I ran downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Hey" I said looking at Gabi and Mikayla. They were sat on the sofa on their phones.

"Hi" each of them said, one before the other.

I sat on the office chair and munched on a brioche.


I remembered I had to pack my stuff back up and have dinner with Dec and my parents that night.

I sprinted back up the stairs and bumped into Dec on the way up. He gave me a confused look.

"Dinner. Parents. Tonight. Pack!" I yelled as I ran past him back into our room.

I ran in and shoved as much of my stuff into my suitcase, which wasn't a lot, thankfully. I got out a dress I could wear for that night and put it on the bed.

I ran back downstairs, Mikayla just leaving.

"Bye!" I called.

I went back upstairs and brushed my teeth and came back down. We walked to the bus stop and got the bus to school, not much happened.

I had English language first. I got in before Declan and most of the other people in our class. The lesson was about 15 minutes in before Declan came in, a grin on his face which lit up even more when he saw me laugh at him as he stumbled in.

"Sorry Miss" he said as he walked to the back and sat down. I shook my head and smiled.

I received a text.

I love you x 

It was from Declan.

I looked round, rosy cheeks, grinning. He looked up at me and smiled back, confidently shy, if you get what I mean.

I continued to grin the rest of the day, which I admit was hard since I had drama with Mia. She kept quiet though and Arthur didn't even look at her, which was surprising since his eyes were usually glued to her. I handed in my homework and Ms Hobbs was pleased. She thanked me and reminded me not to hand it in late again. She was kind.

Last I had PET. With Dec and Gabi. Dec and I handed out late homeworks in. We sat at the back quietly. Sheepishly glancing at each other and then quickly looking away and smiling to ourselves. We had become 9 year olds again, the innocent love, the crushes, the sneaky 2 second glances and the overwhelming feeling of butterflies all the time. I enjoyed it very much.

Our class was dismissed and it was the end of the day. Declan caught me as I walked out the door. He said close to my ear "I'll be at Gabi's at 5, be ready. We'll get the bus to yours." He kissed me on the cheek, and we parted different ways.

Me and Gabi caught up on everything over the bus ride. She seemed more excited about Dec than I was. It was nice that she was so supportive.

"What are you wearing tonight?" She asked as we got off the bus.

"Ah! Well I only packed a small black dress with me. It's pretty though. I'll show you." I said as we walked along.

We got in and I went upstairs.

"Wait a sec" I called.

I put on the dress. It was black, velvet and had a beautiful thin strappy back, with enough cleavage not to look too slutty, but mature. It was quite small and skimpy and showed a lot of leg but it flowed and pulled in right at the waist.

I walked down the stairs and into the living room. Gabi automatically looked at me, she put her tea down and she smiled and nodded.

"You look so good, Y/n..." she trailed. Her eyes scanned my body and I gave her a little twirl so she could see it fully. I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled at her. She looked at me a little longer as I looked in the only mirror that lived in the living room.

"Go get ready! You've only got like an hour and a half left! Dec said he's coming at 5!" She said interrupting her own gaze.

"Okayyy!" I ran back upstairs. I started to do my makeup. Nothing too much, winged eyeliner, silver sparkly eyeshadow. I did my eyebrows a tiny bit and had some light foundation on. I didn't want much. I heard my name being called from downstairs.

"Y/n! I'm going to drums! You can borrow any of my shoes if you want - Mikayla is at work tonight. I don't know if you're coming back here or not but just in case, don't forget your key!" Gabi shouted.

"Okay Gabzz! Thank you! Have a good night!"

"You too!" She called and shut the front door.

So I sat in waiting.





You Pour My Heart Away • Declan McKennaWhere stories live. Discover now