Chapter Four

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*Dec's P.O.V*

The girl... the new one... Y/N!! That's her name. My first ever Y/N. I got a bit shy when I spoke to her in Philosophy and Ethics so I didn't find out much about her but what from what I could observe, she was pretty damn beautiful. Eyes of a distinct shade of (Y/E/C), lashes long and fluttering, lips carved in the perfect shape, a jaw line to cut, cheekbones not too high, not too low and her hair... (Y/H/C), flowing down and framing her features like a photograph in frame. I shouldn't have been falling for her. She was out of my league completely. But I've made a promise to myself to try something new these next two years, and maybe Y/N is my something new. Whatever she is to me, she's worth it... she's worth anything.

*Time change to school the next day*

English Lit. Not very lit to be honest. Y/N is in my class though! But she sits right at the front of the class... I sit towards the very back. All I can do is admire her hair and sitting poise but it's not enough.

The class finished and it was break time. I ran as fast as I could to the music rooms, so I could get the best room, with the best piano and spare guitars. I ran past Y/N, who was standing with Gabi eating a kit-kat, and waved my arm up and smiled with my mouth wide.

*Your P.O.V*

He ran past me at the start of break, and he was running FAST. He gave me a wave and an open mouthed grin so I raised my arm in confusion and gave him a confused expression.

"Music rooms - he practices and writes songs in there" Gabi said nodding in the direction that Declan ran in.

"Oh! He's musical then?" I asked

"Yeah yeah, we both are, I play drums and he sings, plays guitar and piano and other random instruments - like the one that's like a mini keyboard but you have to blow into it to make a sound" She mimics blowing into a tube with her hand and I laughed.

"Dick sucking?" We chuckled and she pushed me so I shoved her back.

"Not for me..." She said with a wink.

"Ooooh Gabiiii - Taking a walk on the wild side" I said raising my eyebrows.

"Oh hell yeahhhh" She said.

The bell rang for the end of break. I checked my timetable. I had my first drama lesson of the year. So I entered the room and people just sat in a circle on the carpet. I took my shoes off and made my way to the circle.

"Ah. You must be Y/N." Said the drama teacher, looking up and down her register.

"Yes, hello." I said with enthusiasm.

"Welcome. I'm Ms Hobbs, and I'll be your drama teacher for the next couple of years. I look forward to getting to know you and stuff like that!" She smiled

"Thank you!" I said as I sat down next to a small boy.

"Hello. I'm Arthur... you are?" He asked.

"I'm Y/N" I smiled

He nods "Nice to meet you"

"And you"

The lesson consisted of mainly 'get to know you' games but it was enjoyable, and I made a new friend, Arthur. He seemed like a laugh to be honest. But I did get drama homework. So I went home and started it, and it went pretty well, Ms Hobbs should be impressed.

23:55 - slumber x

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