Searching For Happiness (Royality)

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Human AU
TW: Some mentions of depressing thoughts and arguing

In the crowded hallway of the massive high school, it was easy to get lost and blend it with the crowd of people.

This is exactly what Patton Sanders felt like, lost and alone, clinging to his school books for dear life and wishing to be anywhere but here.

This particular teenager was typically known for his positive attitude and aura. But lately, he's just felt...down. It was hard to keep his head up, or even force a smile onto his usually happy face. He didn't have an explanation, and when people asked, he just shrugged and responded with a vague "I don't know."

Just as he neared his next class, his body slammed into that of someone much taller, causing Patton to fall backwards, onto the floor, and his books to drop too. He stifled a soft groan from the pain, forcing himself to quickly stand and try to gather his things.

The person he hit seemed to be gone as quick as he'd first come, he noticed. With a small sigh, he continued on, slipping into his classroom just as the bell rang. He hurriedly took his place at his desk in the back of the room, getting a notebook and a pencil out. Even here, in a classroom of twenty people, including himself and the teacher, he felt isolated from everyone else, like he was on the outside looking in.

He sighed again and started to work, trying to tune out the whispers he heard all around the room about various things.

In addition to being only five foot two, Patton was what most would call "chubby", like a little adorable baby. Not enough to be unhealthy, only noticeable. Before, this hadn't really bothered him, but with his mood having not been the best lately, he was more self-conscious. He hugged himself now with the hand he wasn't writing with, finding his focus start to leave the paper, and slipping into his own thoughts. But just as he was on the brink between his mind and reality, the shrill sound of a phone ringing caused all the students in the room to look up, watching as the teacher shuffled to the wall phone and answering.

"Hello?" She asked. She nodded slightly as she listened to the person on the other end of the line, then said, "Yes. I'll tell him and send him down." Hanging the phone up, Patton's heart skipped a beat when the teacher's eyes met his.

"Patton, you're wanted in the guidance office. Please take your things with you."

Patton gulped, nodding and trying to ignore the stares as he gathered his things. He hurried out of the room, but took his time as he made his way to the Guidance Counselor's office. However, once he reached the door, he knew he couldn't postpone this any longer. He carefully opened the door, walking inside and closing it behind him.

"Good day, Patton. Please, take a seat," Dr. Emile Picani greeted, smiling warmly at the teen.

Silently following the instruction, Patton couldn't ignore the feeling of his own heart pounding in his chest. He could guess, but he wasn't completely sure as to why he was here.

"I'm sure you already know, but I'm Dr. Picani. Now, let's get down to defeat the Huns." While the counselor smiled wider, Patton's face remained somber. Noticing, Picani's smile faded, and he cleared his throat. "Anyway, your teachers and I have been noticing some things. Lately, you seem to be falling behind on your schoolwork. You're not as focused, you hardly participate, and you don't seem to be as energized and as upbeat as usual. Has something been going on that you need to get off of your chest?"

Patton bit lip, looking down and not meeting Picani's eyes. "I...I don't think there's anything wrong with me. I can't really give an explanation for my changes...sorry."

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